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Everything posted by TisRealSavage

  1. The Name is Randell Savage but i just go by Savage... I grew up off a old dirt in place you probably wouldnt know. My Family Deserted me, atleast all of them but Brad an Que... Que,Brad, An I have been on the road for sometime now. In our old town we were know as The Rollin 60s Crips, but now, that weve packed up in left, we'll have to start another Rollin 60s Set an Restart our empire. After our last run in with the cops weve had to stay low for a long time an travel far an wide. My brothers have heard of City Called Lucid. They say theres a fresh start for us there but nothing is certain with the life we live. I just hope The new Rollin 60s Set is more loyal an trust worthy than the last one. We stick together, we stay alive, thats what we live by, Rollin 60s Till we die. TMC The Hustle Continues
  2. Whats up, my name is Savage ive Been Roleplaying since SAMP (SanAndreasMultiplayer). I really like serious Rp. i hate fail RP an cannot stand RDM or VDM an thats why im here. Im also looking for a more adult community with a good adult staff who can control there server professionally. im looking for a overall good experience with a good adult community that i can actually roleplay with.
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