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Everything posted by Dyno

  1. Howdy y'all, I used to be a little league coach from Arkansas in a little town named Possum Grape. We were named the White River Skeeters', and had an all time high of 12 home runs in one game. These kids were unstoppable and I'd like to think it was my coaching abilities, but deep down, I knew they always had it in 'em. I decided to leave it all behind since my star player was taken away due to CPS and his parents being alcoholics in this little town. We always knew it would happen, but I never thought it would happen this fast. After only 5 short years of being their coach, a new coach was hired in to try and help me out a little bit since we didn't have that one player to look up to for everyone else. I loved every second of it, but knowing that he would never get another chance to be one of the greats, I knew it was time to pack up and move on.
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