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What is your Steam profile link?



How many hours do you have on Lucid and / or FiveM?



What is your Discord username?



How old are you?



What is the name of your character?

chill phill


How old is the character you are applying with?



What is the phone number of the character you are applying with?



What is the background of your character?

he started as a kid growing up he whanted to be a pilot and he word day and night for the rest of the years and got into a great school after that he started working as a delivery driver for 1week and after that he quit bc of not good payment and here he is applying for the job of heas dream.


What are your previous jobs and / or current affiliations?

i have been a delivery driver


Why do you want to be a pilot?

i have allways whanted to be a polit in the city not for the money but for the expirienc and for the dream


What makes you different from other individuals that are applying?

i have been in faa in other citys i have been airforce for a long time and i was a poliot for a privet jet in a nother city


What kind of experience do you have related to flight and piloting?

i can bring a lot of profshonalism as i said i have been a pilot for a long time and i know my way around


How active can you be a week?

i can be activ up yo 7houers a day


Any additional questions?

no sir just very hypd for the anwser

Business Owner DPS Deputy Commissioner Lucid Airlines


Thank you for taking interest in applying as a Probationary Pilot at Lucid Airlines. We appreciate you taking the time to fill in an application within the Forums.  Unfortunately, it has been decided by the Lucid Airlines Management that your application has been DENIED and that we won't be able to invite you to the next portion of our application process. 

You may re-apply 14 days from this message being posted. Have a great day ahead!

-Lucid Airlines Management

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