kcbryan Posted June 23, 2023 Posted June 23, 2023 What is your Steam profile link? https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198268732851/ How many hours do you have on Lucid and / or FiveM? 10hrs What is your Discord username? razelo. How old are you? 22 What is the name of your character? Mike Richards How old is the character you are applying with? 26 What is the phone number of the character you are applying with? 3034194677 What is the background of your character? Mike grew up a well off suburban neighborhood. when he was 18 and graduated high school he was kicked out of the house by his parents due to his lack of motivation to pursue a further education. Not wanting a 9 to 5 jobs mike barely made ends meet and ended up in the slums of the city he grew up in renting a dingy apartment. one day mike was approached by one of the lesser known locals gangs for work. they promised high pay with mostly non strenuous work. mike was ignorant of the inner workings of a gang and what it meant to actually work for them. mike approached a higher ranking member of the gang to attempt to stop working for them but they declined because mike was one of their more successful lackeys. feel trapped and not wanted to be harmed mike continued to work for these thugs for the next 7 years making good pay. one day mike had enough, he packed his bag and moved to lucid city to escape the gang. What are your previous jobs and / or current affiliations? Truck Driver, no affiliations Why do you want to be a pilot? i love aviation or basically everything planes. What makes you different from other individuals that are applying? my job in real life is an aircraft mechanic What kind of experience do you have related to flight and piloting? not much to flight or piloting but i work on aircraft (kc-135) similar to a Boeing 707 How active can you be a week? 20-30 hrs Any additional questions? N/A 1
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