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What is your Steam profile link?



How many hours do you have on Lucid and / or FiveM?



What is your Discord username?



How old are you?



What is the name of your character?

Ky Loc


How old is the character you are applying with?



What is the phone number of the character you are applying with?



What is the background of your character?

My character grew up in Ireland and had a nice life until he's mother sadly passed away when he was 8.After that nothing was the same as he's father started drinking all the pain away and soon after took he's own life. My character had relative's in LA and moved there when he was 13.He then found out he was very interested in planes and began to study them and dreamed daily of being a pilot. He now works at a mechanics and dreams to work as a Pilot


What are your previous jobs and / or current affiliations?

I worked at benny's for a couple of months


Why do you want to be a pilot?

I want to be a pilot because I've been studying IRL to become one when I can and I also think that being a pilot is a great job because you help people get to where they need to get and I always have liked helping people so this would be nice. I also like the people down at the airport as they are all very friendly and I would like to work with them and try to learn as much as i can from them


What makes you different from other individuals that are applying?

I'm different from other pilots as I was a pilot on many other servers and I think I would still be a good one with a little bit of training. I am also a fast learner so I would grasp on fast and wouldn't need to much assistance. Also very helpful and friendly which I've been told by other people.


What kind of experience do you have related to flight and piloting?

I was a pilot on many other servers this was a long time ago but with a little bit of training I think I would make a great pilot. On most of the servers I flew planes but I have also driven helicopters which I was fairly good at. I have also been studying to try be a pilot in real life which I hope to achieve one day.


How active can you be a week?

10 Hours


Any additional questions?


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