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What is your Steam profile link?



How many hours do you have on Lucid and / or FiveM?

204 on FiveM


What is your Discord username?



How old are you?



What is the name of your character?

Ronnie Pickering


How old is the character you are applying with?



What is the phone number of the character you are applying with?



What is the background of your character?

I am a optimistic man who came to lucid city looking for a fresh start and to make a name for myself. I grew up in Manchester, UK struggling to make ends meet I ended up getting mixed up with the wrong crowd but have since changed my ways and now would like to find a steady job where I feel at home and can better myself as well as provide a service for others.


What are your previous jobs and / or current affiliations?

On this server I have had no other job and currently have no affiliations.


Why do you want to be a pilot?

I have always been fascinated with aviation and have wanted to be a pilot ever since I could remember.


What makes you different from other individuals that are applying?

I know the map and city better than any other no matter if I'm in the sky or on the ground, I am a perfectionist that takes pride in what i do, i can keep calm and stay level headed in unfavourable situations.


What kind of experience do you have related to flight and piloting?

I have many hours of experience flying helicopters and planes.


How active can you be a week?

I am usually active for 4-12 hours a day


Any additional questions?


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