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Lucid Slophousin INFO SHEET

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After being left at an orphanage at a young age by a family never known to him,
 Lucid Slophousin grew up refined but also chaotic as pandoras box itself.
 Never did he find a place to call home after all those years...
 Bouncing from shack to shack Lucid did until one day, 
The Great Slophousin tumbled into a city known as Lucid City and it felt so right !
Filled to the brim with exciting new ways to prosper and grow the cosmic slop set forth on maybe finally finding his Home Sweet Home...
The rest is history...

Please contact 3-333-333-3333 If you have any further questions pertaining Mr. Slophousin
He is under surveillance but NOT wanted by all known and unknown Allied Agencies

Thank you,

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