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    • C01.01 - JURISDICTIONS:
      • General Information: The community regulatory guidelines are applicable to the in-game servers, community forums, and Discord with official connections to the Lucid City roleplay community and the Lucid Gaming network. This includes sources such as forums.lucidcityrp.com, the Lucid City main server, the Crew Management server, and the Enterprise Management server.


      • General Information: Staff members with the status of Senior Administrator and higher reserve the right to take punitive and/or corrective action against any individual deemed to be encouraging and/or participating in egregious behavior and/or actions which require intervention due to having a highly negative impact on the experiences of one or several users.


      • General Information: Conduct that has been deemed inappropriate, destructive, malicious, and/or unfitting within the Lucid City roleplay community will be handled in accordance with the standard and crew regulatory guidelines. Repeatedly engaging in this kind of conduct will result in actions ranging from a permanent ban to a community removal.


      • General Information: Regulatory guidelines will be marked with specific classifications to outline the severity and impact of any infractions related to a specific guideline. These classifications will determine the actions which will be taken against any individual and crew that is in direct violation of a specific guideline. These classifications are as follows:


        • Classification A: Written Warning & 5 Infraction Points.
        • Classification B: 1 Day Suspension & 10 Infraction Points.
        • Classification C: 3 Day Suspension & 15 Infraction Points.
        • Classification D: 7 Day Suspension & 20 Infraction Points.
        • Classification E: 14 Day Suspension & 25 Infraction Points.
        • Classification F: 31 Day Suspension & 35 Infraction Points.
        • Classification G: Permanent Suspension & 45 Infraction Points.


      • General Information: The specialized infraction categories serve a similar purpose to that of the standard infraction categories. However, these infractions are reserved for individuals with a troublesome and repetitive infraction record in both the short and long run. These infractions are authorized by administration vote or management approval. These classifications are as follows:


        • Classification S1: 3 Month Suspension
          • This classification can be issued once a community member reaches a total of 125 Infraction Points or at the discretion of management.
        • Classification S2: 6 Month Suspension
          • This classification can be issued once a community member reaches a total of 150 Infraction Points or at the discretion of management.
        • Classification S3: Community Removal
          • This classification can be issued once a community member reaches a total of 175 Infraction Points or at the discretion of management.
        • Classification S4: Character Deletion
          • This classification can be issued at the discretion of management for offenses related to exploiting, currency trading, and/or cheating.
        • Classification S5: Government Job Blacklist
          • This classification can be issued at the discretion of management for offenses related to whitelisted job abuse and character blending.


      • General Information: The three strike policy is an internal staff system implemented to deal with repeat offenders within the higher infraction tiers to deter major infractions that have an extremely negative impact on the roleplay and player experience from happening. Any individual that receive a total of three of the same infraction that warrant 14-day bans or higher will be reviewed by administration for a S3 classification.


      • General Information: Infraction points are issued to a community member when a standard infraction is issued. The points assigned as a result of one infraction will remain on the individual's record for a total of 12 months. If an individual reaches the threshold of 175 Infraction Points, then the individual may be subject to a community removal. Prior to a community removal, an individual will generally be issued a S1 or S2 classification as a last chance. Furthermore, any individual receiving a S1 or S2 infraction will have their record's expiration timer extended by 3-months.




    • C02.01 - OOC TARGETING:
      • Infraction Category: [F]
      • General Information: Interactions, scenes, and information that originate within roleplay is to remain within character. You are prohibited from taking this out of character with the intent to maliciously use it against another individual. This includes but is not limited to encouraging and/or participating in the targeting of others. Examples of this are as follows:


        • Degrading individual reputation through means such as non-roleplay information.
        • Repeatedly contacting the individual with intent to bother, insult, and/or harass them.
        • Influencing others to turn against another individual with malice.


      • Infraction Category: [C]
      • General Information: While playing on the server, you are expected to do so with a roleplay centered demeanor. This means that you are required to play your character and remain within the boundaries of that storyline. Refrain from using terminology and information which your character should be unaware of. A few examples of this are as follows:


        • Terminology referring to staff such as angels, government, and gods.
        • Terminology referring to the waiting room such as upstairs and above.
        • Terminology referring to crew management such as disbandment, strikes, warnings, and infraction points.
        • Terminology referring to community regulations such as city laws, city rules, government rules, and city guidelines.
        • Terminology referring to community guidelines such as infraction points, suspensions, bans, warnings, and community removals.


      • Infraction Category: [G - S3]
      • General Information: Engaging other people with behavior and/or attitudes intended to be harmful and/or malicious is prohibited. Respect the boundaries and beliefs of others, refrain from mentioning sensitive terminology and topics that could be of offensive, derogatory, discriminatory, and/or extremely sensitive nature. Examples of this are as follows:


        • Mentioning terminology that should be avoided due to being extremely offensive.
        • Targeted attacks against others which extend past the boundaries of roleplay.
        • Conduct related to discrimination of racism, homophobia, transphobia, and disabilities.
        • Conduct related to discrimination of other protected categories and beliefs such as religious and cultural ones.




    • C03.01 - GRIEFING:
      • Infraction Category: [F]
      • General Information: Initiation of scenes and storylines intended to negatively impact the player experience of others through behavior related to griefing and trolling. The actions of your character should always be in the pursuit of reasonable and memorable roleplay interactions with the possibility of building and benefiting your character and that of others. Examples of unwarranted behavior is as follows:


        • Creation of throw away characters intended to engage in unreasonable and/or unwarranted actions.
        • Creation of characters with the sole intention to grief and/or troll others.
        • Applying and removing performance modifications to the vehicles of others without explicit permission.
        • Applying and removing chameleon adjustments to the vehicles of others without explicit consent.


    • C03.02 - LOOPHOLING & BAITING:
      • Infraction Category: [G]
      • General Information: You are prohibited from engaging in acts intended to circumvent and/or loophole community guidelines and regulations. Acts taken by staff members are final, attempting to manipulate them for your own benefit and/or that of others is strictly forbidden. This also includes attempting to bait others into violating community policies.


      • Infraction Category: [E - G]
      • General Information: Engaging in acts of excessive toxicity against others is prohibited. It is paramount to remain respectful and understanding towards others, all players are present in the pursuit of memorable interactions and scenes. Ensuring awareness of others and your own actions is of upmost importance, that way you will play a part in ensuring a positive and enjoyable experience for others. With that said, engaging in acts intended to cause harm and malice which are intended to disturb others is unwelcome. Examples of this are as follows:


        • Excessively mag dumping one or several bodies past what is essential to injure or kill.
        • Excessively screaming or loudly talking past what would be considered reasonable and necessary.
        • Taking the initiative to consistently and repeatedly run downed bodies over as means to display toxicity.
        • Downing others with the intent to crouch, teabag, emote, and/or dance on their bodies to be a nuisance.
        • Gathering and moving a number of bodies with illegal items on their back with intent for law enforcement to capture them.
        • Picking up others and running or driving around with them without necessity or reason for excessive amounts of time. (15 minutes)


    • C03.04 - BODY DUMPING:
      • Infraction Category: [- E]
      • General Information: Going out of your way to grab another player's body with malicious intentions to re-locate and/or dump it elsewhere is strictly prohibited. This sort of behavior is unwarranted, the outcome of displaying this sort of behavior is anger, spite, and a feeling of being griefed on one end of the interaction, and joy on the other for ruining another player's experience. Your priority after downing another person should be to flee the area to avoid capture and/or harm.


    • C03.05 - BODY CAMPING:
      • Infraction Category: [- D]
      • General Information: Camping the bodies of others is prohibited outside of the boundaries of this policy. You are permitted to prevent anyone from being picked up by EMS or others for as long as the interaction is still active. Upon the conclusion of any violent roleplay, you may not hold any downed body beyond the time limit of 15 minutes. This means you have 15 minutes to leave the area and conclude the scene completely.




      • Infraction Category: [- G]
      • General Information: Lucid City is a roleplay server, and as such you are expected to prioritize interactive roleplay and interactive scenes with others. The characters you create have their own personalities, traits, and boundaries. Limit yourself to that and engage in interactions and scenes that are sensible for the storyline that you are attempting to create and build. Promote good and memorable interactions for others, lead by example and show others your full potential.


      • Infraction Category: [S1 + S5]
      • General Information: Characters that hold positions and responsibilities related to the in-city government are explicitly prohibited from engaging in targeted acts that may be considered character blending. Using motives and information gained from other characters as means to benefit those you know or yourself is prohibited. These positions are as follows:


        • Law Enforcement Personnel
        • Emergency Medical Service Personnel
        • Government Officials
        • Judicial Personnel


    • C04.03 - VALUE OF LIFE:
      • Infraction Category: [F]
      • General Information: Your characters should always be considerate of their surrounding whenever ending up in an interaction that could lead to injury or death. Should your character end up in a situation where it is faced with the possibility of severe physical harm by the usage of lethal weaponry, then it should fear for its life. Your character is only allowed to engage in acts of self defense should it already have a weapon out prior to anyone engaging it. Here are a few examples where your character should fear for its life and comply regardless of having a weapon out:


        • Your character is outgunned 3 to 1.
        • Your character's group is outgunned 5 to 2.
        • Your character's group is outgunned 7 to 3.
        • Your character's group is outgunned 9 to 4.
        • Your character's group is outgunned 11 to 5.
        • Your character's group is outgunned 13 to 6.
        • Your character's group is outgunned 15 to 7.




    • C05.01 - CHARACTER INJURY:
      • Infraction Category: [B]
      • General Information: Whenever your character has been downed for any reason whatsoever, it is to act and behave in a manner that is sensible considering the circumstances and injuries. The level of injury it sustained should determine the way it acts, sounds, and speaks to others while downed. Take the immersion of others into account and refrain from engaging in a way that could ruin it.


    • C05.02 - NEW LIFE RULE:
      • Infraction Category: [F]
      • General Information: Upon being downed by another player, your character is injured and can be treated by the emergency medical service. However, should you decide to respawn upon the conclusion on the 5-minute timer, then your character has been killed. Any information related to the incident that led to the death of your character should be forgotten. Using information related to that scene will be considered a NLR violation.


    • C05.03 - SCENE RETURN:
      • Infraction Category: [D]
      • General Information: Your character is prohibited from returning to an active interaction upon being downed whether it be by a player or a local. Furthermore, it is not permissible to engage in combative and/or violent roleplay should your character be downed by another player for a total of 30-minutes as of the moment your character receives medical care.


    • C05.04 - PERMANENT DEATH:
      • Infraction Category: [S1 + S4]
      • General Information: Interactions that are intended to permanently conclude the storyline of your character are to be followed through with. As of the moment you declare the death of your character, walking it back is not permissible. You are expected to contact a member of staff to finalize this process, you can initiate a permanent death by doing /me "no pulse" while downed.




    • C06.01 - CAPTURE TIMER:
      • Infraction Category: [B]
      • General Information: You are prohibited from capturing an individual and holding them for a period beyond 45-minutes. However, the 45-minute timer is not applicable if an on-going interaction requires this to be extended. If an extension is warranted as a result of an active interaction, the timer can be extended by a total of 15-minutes. Examples of interactions that warrant extensions are as follows:


        • Interactions involving heists where law enforcement officers are present.
        • Interactions involving negotiations with law enforcement officers.
        • Interactions where the hostage has agreed to remain.


    • C06.02 - FAKE HOSTAGES:
      • Infraction Category: [D]
      • General Information: Kidnapping and capturing other individuals for the purpose of being hostages should be done legitimately. Going out of your way to arrange for fake hostages to be involved in an interaction is not permissible. Using friends, associates, and/or fellow crew members as your hostages is as a result prohibited.




      • Infraction Category: [D]
      • General Information: Refrain from planning and engaging in actions that have the sole intention of maliciously interfering and/or messing with law enforcement personnel. Treating law enforcement officers with respect should be your priority as they could unleash severe consequences against your character if not. Some examples of this are as follows:


        • Intentionally attempting to bait law enforcement to pursue you.
        • Pursuing law enforcement officers around with the intent to be a nuisance.
        • Intentionally attempting to bait law enforcement into interactions that lead to an ambush.
        • Engaging law enforcement officers with violence when there is no necessity for the interaction to turn violent.


    • C07.02 - ROBBERIES:
      • Infraction Category: [F]
      • Note: Excessively targeting law enforcement for the sole reason of abusing this policy will lead to a permanent removal.
      • General Information: Initiating scenes with the sole intention of robbing law enforcement and/or emergency services personnel is prohibited. Most of the equipment and items on law enforcement officers are considered unobtainable and not robbable as a result. However, you are permitted to take back equipment a law enforcement officer has taken off you within 1-hour as of the moment it happened. This is also applicable to G6 security employees, do not rob them.


      • Infraction Category: [D]
      • General Information: Members of the emergency medical service engage in supportive functions and as a result should be treated non-violently. However, it is permissible to inform medical personnel to vacate an area due to an active interaction with an individual they are attempting to provide care to. Should they fail to comply within a reasonable amount of time, then violence may be used as a last resort.


      • Infraction Category: [G - S4 + S5 > S3]
      • General Information: Engaging in acts of malice which abuses features and/or distributes equipment issued to you through your government job is prohibited. Equipment issued to government personnel are not to be distributed as they are unobtainable to others in a majority of settings. Violating the standard operating procedures of your assigned job in a regard that is comparable to this will lead to severe consequences.


      • Infraction Category: [F]
      • General Information: Engaging in actions resembling that of police impersonation is prohibited. You may only represent a law enforcement and/or government agency if you are a member of that specific agency or if given approval. Otherwise, you are prohibited from anything that is listed as follows:
        • Pretending to be a law enforcement or government official.
        • Attempting to exercise the authority of a law enforcement or government official.
        • Wearing the clothing and equipment of law enforcement and/or government agencies.

      • Infraction Category: [D]
      • General Information: Emergency Medical Services (EMS) play a crucial role in enhancing the player experience by selflessly dedicating their time to ensure you're back in action after an unfortunate or untimely incident. As an essential part of the server, hostile actions against EMS, such as physical conflict, hostage-taking, or hindering their duties, impacts not only them but also the entire community by delaying their ability to provide timely care. To maintain a fair and enjoyable environment, it is strictly forbidden to kidnap or assault on-duty EMS workers unless they have directly engaged in violent behavior. You are still allowed to prevent EMS (even at gunpoint) from entering an area, however, this is limited by the holding limit (See: C03.05 - BODY CAMPING)




      • Infraction Category: [B]
      • General Information: You are prohibited from initiating pre-set heists that are specified under this community directive beyond the stated limitations. This includes but is not limited to getaway drivers, individuals running interference, and lookouts. Law enforcement personnel will limit themselves accordingly until the interaction takes a violent turn. The heists under this directive is as follows:


        • Casino Heist: [12]
        • Oilrig: [12]
        • Humane Labs: [10]
        • Pacific Standard Bank: [10]
        • Blaine County Savings Bank: [8]
        • Fleeca Bank: [6]
        • G6 Security Convoy: [6]
        • Jewelry Store: [4]
        • Bank Truck: [4]
        • Art Heist: [2]
        • Store Robberies: [2]
        • House Robberies: [2]


      • Infraction Category: [D]
      • General Information: Unaffiliated individuals that play on the server are permitted to roam around in groups of up to 10 individuals at a time. Furthermore, as crew members you are permitted to roam around with your whole crew at any given moment. However, any interaction that turns hostile and/or violent towards law enforcement personnel are limited by 10 individuals. Any excess numbers are mandated to leave the interaction unless attacked by law enforcement in their attempt to flee. Your priority should always be to flee from the law, not engage or attack it.


      • Infraction Category: [D]
      • General Information: You are prohibited from maliciously intervening with active interactions and roleplay scenes. Refrain from forcing yourself into storylines that you do not belong to and/or have no reason to be a part of. Furthermore, intervening with interactions such as heists as of the moment it has been claimed by having at least one hostage on each entrance is not permissible and/or whenever law enforcement have responded to the interaction.




    • C09.01 - HEIST COOLDOWN:
      • Infraction Category: [B]
      • General Information: Upon the conclusion of a heist which you started and/or participated in, you are prohibited from participating and/or initiating another for a total of one hour. However, this one hour cooldown is only relevant should you hit a heist of a different category than the one which you initiated and/or participated in last. Cooldowns on hitting the same heist repeatedly is as follows:


        • Humane Labs: [24H]
        • G6 Security Convoy: [24H]
        • Pacific Standard Bank: [8H]
        • Blaine County Savings Bank: [COOLDOWN EXEMPTION]
        • Fleeca Bank: [4H]
        • Jewelry Store: [4H]
        • Bank Truck: [4H]
        • Art Heist: [4H]
        • Store Robberies: [COOLDOWN EXEMPTION]
        • House Robberies: [COOLDOWN EXEMPTION]


    • C09.02 - HOSTAGE ROBBERY:
      • Infraction Category: [D]
      • General Information: You are prohibited from using heists as means to be able to rob one or several of the individuals that you take as hostage. Your one and only objective when carrying out a heist should be claiming all the loot and valuables that are made available, and then leaving the area safely which means leaving the hostages alone.


    • C09.03 - CAMPING:
      • Infraction Category: [D]
      • General Information: It is not permissible to camp locations with the intent to initiate robberies on other individuals. Using preset locations as means to rob others is prohibited due to the lack of counterplay to the action, most illicit locations have specific functions that can only be carried out from that specific location.


    • C09.04 - LOW EFFORT ROBBERY:
      • Infraction Category: [D]
      • General Information: Refrain from robbing others without appropriate initiation and backstory. Robbery interactions should have mutual interaction and room for counterplay. Upon completing such an interaction, you are to vacate the area and leave the individual(s) unharmed unless they intentionally provoke and/or threaten you. Examples of valid reasoning and initiation is as follows:


        • Proper reasoning:
          • The individual(s) have threatened you or your crew repeatedly.
          • The individual(s) are flaunting their wealth around aggressively.
          • The individual(s) have active conflict and/or disputes with your crew.
          • The individual(s) have gone out of their way to provide information on your crew to law enforcement.
          • The individual(s) are actively brandishing and/or openly carrying a firearm rather than storing it in a gun bag.
        • Proper initiation:
          • You must provide indication that you are intending on robbing the individual(s) and allow for a chance to respond in roleplay.
          • Proper initiation goes beyond interactions such as: "Put your hands up, we are robbing you."
          • Initiating with erratic behavior such as running in circles around another party and/or not allowing them to talk is low effort.


    • C09.05 - G6 SECURITY CONVOY:
      • Infraction Category: [E]
      • General Information: The G6 security convoy heist is a interactive heist which requires roleplay and interaction with players that have been hired as security guards. As a result of this, you are expected to provide adequate initiation and roleplay with the security guards upon the beginning of the heist. You are not permitted to engage them with lethal force without grounds to do so, it should be avoided whenever possible. Be smart, lay out a plan to approach the heist, and make it memorable and enjoyable for everyone involved.




      • Infraction Category: [D]
      • General Information: Scamming and/or fraudulent conduct within character and roleplay is generally allowed. However, such conduct must be carried out with appropriate and reasonable initiation. Such an interaction should be done in a manner where there is room for two-sided roleplay, conversation, and counterplay. Here are a few examples of invalid interactions:


        • Interactions that do not allow for reasonable counterplay such as driving off straight away after receiving the goods.
        • Targeting newer players for their starter money.
        • Taking individuals to the city hall and/or banks with the intention of robbing and/or scamming.
        • Interactions that are only possible by abusing the fact that a player is new to the city.


    • C10.02 - CURRENCY TRADING:
      • Infraction Category: [S1 S4]
      • General Information: You are prohibited from engaging in the trade of virtual currency and valuables for real life currencies and vice-versa. Participating and/or engaging in this sort of conduct produces a set of risk factors that could lead to scamming, however, also negatively affects the in-game economy, markets, and character progression.




    • C11.01 - META GAMING:
      • Infraction Category: [E]
      • General Information: It is not permissible to use any information that you have obtained outside of character within roleplay under any circumstance. Using third party software such as Discord, Steam, TeamSpeak, and so forth with the intention of coordinating interactions, scenes, and/or events within character is prohibited. Examples of this are as follows:


        • Going out of your way to bring out of character conversations into roleplay.
        • Going out of your way to grief and attack a person in roleplay over out of character issues.
        • Going out of your way to have other people target another person over out of character issues.
        • Using information obtained from Discord, Steam, Twitch, Youtube, and so forth within character.


    • C11.02 - POWER GAMING:
      • Infraction Category: [E - F]
      • General Information: Refrain from engaging in roleplay that does not match the traits and/or characteristics of your characters. Furthermore, it is not permissible to abuse and/or take advantage of game mechanics and unintended features. Do not use any features to force other individuals into an interaction as it is considered powerful. Examples of this are as follows:


        • Using emotes to avoid consequences and/or injury in violent or criminal interactions.
        • Using the escort feature to place individuals in locations where they cannot be reached by EMS.
        • Using the escort feature to circumvent the intended game mechanics and/or features.
        • Storing your vehicle within ten minutes of a vehicle pursuit with law enforcement concluding.
        • Storing your stash van to avoid getting robbed in an active interaction.
        • Using another animation to cancel the animation of an intended feature to save time.
        • Using a keybind or emote to circumvent the hospital bed animation.
        • Pulling out a vehicle from a garage or impound during a pursuit.
        • Running into apartments during an active interaction or law enforcement scene.
        • Running into your house during an active interaction or scene. (Excluding law enforcement pursuits & scenes)
        • Dumping bodies in zones that make it relatively impossible to locate the body. (Aircraft carrier)
        • Abusing the user identification feature to gain meta information or using it in excess to break immersion.
        • Utilizing the /transfer vehicle function to send the improper vehicle to someone during a sales interaction.
        • Overpowering someone by abusing the fact they had to switch instances. (Entering/exiting houses or apartments)
        • Forcing another individual to withdraw money from an ATM and/or bank for the sake of robbing someone.
        • Disposing of a vehicle into a body of water to prevent consequences/loss of valuables to no-return.
          (Will result in permanent confiscation of the vehicle)


    • C11.03 - COMBAT LOGGING:
      • Infraction Category: [F]
      • General Information: Disconnecting from the server in an active interaction to avoid the consequences of your character's actions is prohibited. Active interactions are to be concluded in a orderly manner prior to disconnecting from the server. Using a crash to gain benefits in roleplay is prohibited, make sure to fill out a crash report if this happens and return to the interaction immediately. If it was a law enforcement interaction and the interaction has concluded, you are to turn yourself in. If you refuse to turn yourself in or place your items away in an attempt to save them from a loss while in police custody, it will equally be treated as combat logging, as you are utilizing a crash in-order to gain a benefit.




    • C12.01 - TSUNAMI CONDUCT:
      • Infraction Category: [B]
      • General Information: Upon the display of the twenty minute mark prior to and after a server restart, no heists and/or violent conduct is to be initiated. Any and all interactions are to be concluded in an orderly fashion. Refrain from initiating lengthy interactions with others while being aware of a server restart being imminent. This policy is not to be used as an excuse to nullify an active interaction with an inappropriate conclusion.




      • Infraction Category: [D]
      • General Information: Refrain from intentionally using your vehicle as means to cause harm towards other players. It is prohibited from using a vehicle as means to kill, such action is only circumstantially permissible. This also includes but is not limited to using your vehicle to ram into players and/or other vehicles. Examples of excessive conduct are as follows:
        • Initiating an interaction by ramming into other vehicles or creating accidents.
        • Using your vehicle to repeatedly ram another vehicle to disable it.
        • Using your vehicle to ram into others with intent to kill.




    • C14.01 - RANDOM DEATH MATCH:
      • Infraction Category: [E]
      • General Information: Attacking other players at random is a prohibited action. Any violent interaction mandates that you have proper initiation, reasoning, and backstory. Furthermore, players should avoid getting into actions which resemble hitman roleplay as such conduct can easily be misinterpreted as a policy violation if done improperly.


    • C14.02 - LOW EFFORT KILLING:
      • Infraction Category: [D]
      • General Information: Initiating an hostile interaction generally requires appropriate escalation of force through conversation to justify the motive. As the initiating party, it is your responsibility to make it clear that you intend to start hostile and violent roleplay. Killing individuals from afar as means to initiate is prohibited. Excessively escalating hostile interactions with unwarranted and impulsive behavior such as running around in circles should be avoided at all cost.




    • C15.01 - EXPLOITING:
      • Infraction Category: [G S4]
      • General Information: You are prohibited from intentionally taking advantage of exploits which provide an unintentional advantage from a game feature. Upon encountering such a feature, you are to report it to a member of the community staff team. Should you abuse this exploit, then severe punitive actions will be taken towards you and any other individual seen as a participant in the exploit.


    • C15.02 - MODDING:
      • Infraction Category: [S3]
      • General Information: Using injectors and/or modification clients is strictly prohibited in Lucid City. Any individual remotely connected to such actions will be removed from the community without notice. Using clients which take advantage of events, scripts, and/or game features is considered to be use of third party modification software.


    • C15.03 - ALTERED FILES:
      • Infraction Category: [F G]
      • General Information: Usage of altered assets such as certain texture packs, shader adjustment, time cycle adjustments, no fog, no vegetation, transparent ocean, tracers, high brightness/esp kill effects, and so forth is prohibited. Some shaders and kill effects are permissible, it is recommended to contact a member of the community staff team for clarification to avoid possible encounters and issues.




    • C16.01 - JOB ABUSE:
      • Infraction Category: [G]
      • General Information: You are prohibited from taking advantage of whitelist jobs as means to gain advantages without counter for yourself or others. Mechanics that are implemented for specific roles are meant to be used for specific things and/or in specific ways which should not be diverted from under any circumstance. This includes things such as bankrupting or attacking businesses through mechanical abuse to lower their society fund.


      • Infraction Category: [C]
      • General Information: Whitelisted businesses and locations which fall under this are provided with certain protections due to being common locations for targeted behavior and actions which have been classified as excessive and unwarranted. The protections provided under this category are applicable to the business grounds, not the parking or areas around it. This means that you are prohibited from robbing people on the grounds of a business. Furthermore, you are prohibited from using a business and its protections/functions as means to hide and avoid conflict. The robbery protections are applicable to all except the following:


        • 24/7 Convenience Stores
        • LTD Gas Stations
        • Import Dealership
        • Clubs




    • C17.01 - GREEN ZONE CONDUCT:
      • Infraction Category: [D]
      • General Information: Green-zones are designated as protected and neutral grounds on the server which allow for limited interaction. Any sort of illicit transaction, criminal activity, trade, and/or business deals are prohibited. Using green-zones as means to protect yourself from the consequences of your roleplay and interactions is not permissible. These zones are as follows: Mount Zonah Medical Center, Blaine County Hospital, Paleto Bay Hospital, Integrity Hotel, and the Island Diving grounds.




      • Infraction Category: [S3]
      • General Information: You are not permitted to impersonate members of the community staff team. Informing and/or telling other players both within and outside the server that you are a member of the staff team without actually being so is prohibited. This sort of conduct will lead to an immediate removal from all servers affiliated with Lucid City.


    • C18.02 - MINI MODDING:
      • Infraction Category: [G]
      • General Information: Taking initiative to mention and/or enforce community regulatory guidelines within roleplay is strictly prohibited. Community guidelines are not a known thing within roleplay, as a result you are bringing out of character information into roleplay while also attempting to correct people on their mistakes. Leave this to the staff team through reports.


    • C18.03 - ADVERTISEMENTS:
      • Infraction Category: [S3]
      • General Information: You are prohibited from advertising other servers and communities without explicit approval from the management team. Engaging in such conduct without the necessary approval will lead to an immediate removal from any server and community affiliated with the Lucid Gaming Network.


    • C18.04 - BAN EVASION:
      • Infraction Category: [S3]
      • General Information: Any attempt to circumvent a community infraction or suspension is prohibited. Going out of your way to do this will lead to an immediate removal from any communities and servers affiliated with the Lucid Gaming Network. Examples of this can be things such as creating new accounts to get in, spoofing, and so forth.


      • Infraction Category: [F]
      • General Information: Going out of your way to report other individuals with the intent to retaliate for interactions or personal conflict is not permissible. An example of this would be having evidence of a infraction worthy incident from the past, and you choosing to bring up this to staff in the present with the intent to have the player penalized.




      • Infraction Category: [G - S3]
      • General Information: You are not permitted to engage in sexual roleplay with individuals that have not provided you with consent. Any interactions which involves any acts related to this policy require explicit approval from all parties involved. Should you be unsure about this, make sure to ask just to be certain. Engaging in sexual roleplay with any individual below the age of eighteen will lead to an immediate removal from the server as well as any characters resembling a minor.


    • C19.02 - SUICIDE ROLEPLAY:
      • Infraction Category: [C]
      • General Information: Participating and/or organizing roleplay and content that involves self-harm or suicidal acts should be avoided regardless of consent due to the controversial and extreme nature surrounding these types of interactions. Interactions such as this may lead to emotional distress and may not be safe for audiences participating. This would lead to automatic inclusion of law enforcement and emergency service personnel which do not have the option to consent.


    • C19.03 - EXTREME THREATS:
      • Infraction Category: [S3]
      • General Information: We take the experience of our players very seriously and won’t tolerate any threats or actions that could disrupt it. This includes indicating you are responsible for, or are going to pursue Denial of Service attacks, hacking, modding, or doxing against our server or it's community members. Even if it’s said as a joke, it’s still not acceptable, and could serve you with a community removal. Our priority is to keep Lucid a safe and enjoyable space for everyone. Constructive conflict resolution is what we aim for, and any threats against the server or our community members are simply not in line with that goal.



    • C20.01 - EXTERNAL CONTENT:
      • Infraction Category: [- G]
      • General Information: VIBE is a social media platform made for in-character content and roleplay in Lucid City. Publishing any form for out of character content, images, advertisements, video, and depictions of real life characters is to be avoided. Art which has may be borderline may be allowed situationally, contact staff for clarification.




      • General Information: Zones that have been designated with red circles aka red-zones have special regulatory guidelines which are applicable to individuals within a red-zone. Throughout the duration of any red-zone event, general rules of engagement and escalation of force is suspended for the duration of the red-zone. Dying within a red-zone disqualifies you from participating any further. Law enforcement personnel are prohibited from participating in red-zones as a result of their law enforcement responsibilities and special equipment.


      • Infraction Category: [C]
      • General Information: Participation in red-zone events mandate you to remain within the designated area of the red-zone. Participating in a red-zone without remaining within the designated zone will make you subject to standard regulatory guidelines should you engage another player. This includes but is not limited to engaging in firefights outside of the zone.


      • Infraction Category: [C]
      • General Information: Groups which participate in red-zones are given a quantity limitation to ensure fairness. You are limited to 8 individuals per group, which means you are prohibited from working with any participant which is not a member of your established group. We allow for several groups to be created per crew in instances where the parties do not work together.
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