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Posts posted by Infinitum

  1. New SASP application from Ashe Wintesr.


    Character Name
    Ashe Wintesr

    Discord and Steam
    Infinitum#5692 Steam: MelodyCeramic

    County and Region
    United States, Florida

    Age (18+)

    How long have you been playing on the server?
    First flew in about a month and a half ago, unsure of how to check precise amount of hours.

    Why do you want to join SASP?
    Winters flew to Lucid City after she decided to resign from her position as Assistant Chief of Police in another city due to differing views on application of law between herself and the Federal Government. A strong proponent of Justice For All, Winters b

    What depicts SASP from the LSPD?
    SASP has jurisdiction over the entirety of the state of San Andreas, whereas LSPD has jurisdiction exclusively within the city limits of Lucid City itself.

    What do you have to offer?
    I personally believe that I can assist the LCPD in providing a just, safe, and welcoming environment to all civilians within the city, as well as ensure that the law is applied in every situation to the fullest extent supported by factual, concrete evide

    What roleplay have you been primarily carrying out in Lucid City so far?
    Since flying into Lucid City, Winters has been maintaining her physique as a lumberjack in the Paleto Bay area, as well as engaging in frequent hikes up Mount Chiliad. She believes that physical fitness directly correlates with a successful career, regard

    What makes you suitable for this department?
    IC: Ashe Winters was formerly Assistant Chief of Police in the Freedom State Police Department. Working her way up over the course of 2 and 1/2 months from being a cadet, Winters applied herself fiercely and wholly to ensuring the citizens were protected

    Have you received any disciplinary in the pas, as well as any bans or warnings? If so describe why.
    No I have not.

    Do you know what the chain of command is? If so explain it and, do you agree to comply with it?
    Chain of command means that if an issue arises within the department, it first needs to be brought to your direct supervisor. For example, if an officer has an issue with another officer, thene the officer in question should contact their direct superviso

    Do you agree that you will act respectfully and maturely at any and all times?

    Do you understand that you could receive consequences from your supervisors if you fail to follow the rules?

    All applicants are required to read and understand the community policies, have you done so?

    Do you understand that you can be removed or blacklisted from the department if you receive a certain amount of disciplinary actions?

    Do you agree not to ask staff members or members of the department command staff about this application?

    Do you understand that you must show respect regardless of age or affiliation?

    Do you believe you put the necessary effort into this application?

    You get a call that there is a bank robbery in Paleto bay, there is a Sergeant from the state police present, and a commander from the Los Santos Police Department, who takes command of the situation in regards of jurisdiction?
    The sergeant from SASP takes command, since SASP Troopers have jurisdiction over the state as a whole, and are above the LSPD in terms of ranking.

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