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Posts posted by Cahnour

  1. New SASP application from Zachary Berkley.


    Character Name
    Zachary Berkley

    Discord and Steam
    Connor ;)#0001 - https://steamcommunity.com/id/Cahnour/

    County and Region
    USA - East Coast

    Age (18+)

    How long have you been playing on the server?
    I've been in the city for around a week, and have upwards of 40 hours in this city.

    Why do you want to join SASP?
    I am interested in joining this department because I have always enjoyed helping others. This can stray in two directions - helping those that make bad decisions make better ones, and helping the innocent by keeping the streets clean from crime. The most rewarding aspect of being a LEO is when you can help suspects with what they are going through, and giving them help to make better decisions in the future. I’ve always enjoyed professions that have variety, and keep you on foot/aware at all times. This is exactly the reason why I am pursuing being an officer, because every situation is unique in it’s own way, and should be treated as such.

    What depicts SASP from the LSPD?
    Troopers and officers may seem very similar in hindsight. They go through similar training, use the same equipment, and follow very similar SOPs. While all of this may be the case, State Police are not meant to be labeled the same as Local Departments. State Police typically tend to have a bit more jurisdiction for where they patrol. Troopers can be classified similarly to highway patrol, and how they do their job. While their job may be directed more so for traffic (80s, stolen vehicles, etc.), they are typically still allowed to respond to other crimes unrelated to traffic incidents. Everything is dependent on the city’s SOPs, though, and how things are run within the city.

    What do you have to offer?
    I have 300+ hours of experience within FiveM doing law enforcement within the past month or 2. During this time I was able to nail my DOJ 10 codes, and use them without hesitation while on patrol. On top of using my 10 codes correctly, I’ve been able to successfully apprehend suspects in my old city from bank robberies, yacht heists, jewelry stores, etc. I also have taken a criminal law course outside of the city, which can help when it comes to prosecution. I am a fast learner and can adapt to situations as I see fit, while not using excessive force. As well as being a sufficient learner, I am able to put in more time than most applicants. I have a lot of free time as of recent, and plan to spend most of it within the city.

    What roleplay have you been primarily carrying out in Lucid City so far?
    (OOC response) So far on my character Blaine Inferni, he has been portrayed as an upstanding citizen to the police. He has a clean record, without even a general citation. He works delivery for a gas station, as well as prospecting up North. Although he may be portrayed as an upstanding citizen right now, once the rest of his family funnels into the city they plan to create a name for themselves as a crime family that is on top. The goal is for the entire city to know them. While they rather themselves not be feared by those they trust, they believe that they are superior to all other parties in the city.

    What makes you suitable for this department?
    I see myself being suitable for SASP because of what I have to offer. Like I stated in the previous question, I have a lot of free time. I am also a fast learner, and have a good amount of experience with law both inside and outside of the city. I can confidently say that I believe this makes me a viable option/asset to the department. While this may sound unusual, I enjoy the paperwork/report aspect of being a LEO as much as I do the satisfaction of catching suspects. Writing a detailed report has always interested me. It can be fun to close all questionable statements that may be brought up in court by writing up a well developed report.

    Have you received any disciplinary in the pas, as well as any bans or warnings? If so describe why.
    I have not.

    Do you know what the chain of command is? If so explain it and, do you agree to comply with it?
    I have a clear understanding of what COC is. You should not be going to command with issues that you can address with someone a rank higher than you. In my old city, COC was shown through the following ladder: Probie, Officer, Cpl, Sgt, Lt, Cpt, Asst Chief, Chief, so on so forth. I agree to comply with the COC.

    Do you agree that you will act respectfully and maturely at any and all times?

    Do you understand that you could receive consequences from your supervisors if you fail to follow the rules?

    All applicants are required to read and understand the community policies, have you done so?

    Do you understand that you can be removed or blacklisted from the department if you receive a certain amount of disciplinary actions?

    Do you agree not to ask staff members or members of the department command staff about this application?

    Do you understand that you must show respect regardless of age or affiliation?

    Do you believe you put the necessary effort into this application?

    You get a call that there is a bank robbery in Paleto bay, there is a Sergeant from the state police present, and a commander from the Los Santos Police Department, who takes command of the situation in regards of jurisdiction?
    It is all dependent on the city's SOPs, which I hope to familiarize myself with if I am brought onto the force. Typically, the highest ranking officer takes charge of a scene. My best guess for this unique scenario would be the SASP Sergeant would take charge of the scene. While he is not the highest ranking officer on scene, he still has higher jurisdiction over a local department. Because of state police's more widely spread patrol area, their general jurisidiction tends to be higher in places like Paleto/Sandy Shores, which are outside of the city limits.

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