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Posts posted by Scrappy

  1. Only refund if you lost something due to a bug and you have got proof! We won't refund anything that you lost because of your own mistakes.


    Forum Name
    Scrappys refund

    What do you need refunded?
    Trade the draco for a G36


    Steam Name

    Additional Details
    https://medal.tv/games/gta-v/clips/KMzAZTuQHiM-r/d1337IVVzxsF?invite=cr-MSw2dVUsMjI1NjU3MTcs I hit to craft the G36 and seen the picture after clicking on the gun twice. And once I pressed craft it went back to the Draco and crafted that over the G36.

  2. What is your character name?
    Justin Bellz

    What is your Discord username?

    Why do you wish to join the San Andreas Highway Patrol? Furthermore, what separates you from other candidates and makes you an asset compared to other applicants?
    When I was in PD I enjoyed being around SAHP, I always looked up to the people up there. Like Oreo, Ramsey and others. I thought they were super tough. I like their uniforms, The way the operate as a unit. Everything. I have prior experience in PD, Mainly in LCPD, Then the sheriff department. I enjoyed everything I did. I'm a quick learner. And I know majority of the stuff and more than willing to learn new things, And better myself. I know how to work the MDT, The SOPS, Call outs all that. I miss it everyday.

    In your own words, explain what differentiates state law enforcement from local law enforcement, including jurisdictional concerns, and what duties you will expect to perform in the San Andreas Highway Patrol. Additionally, what other qualities do you believe sets the Highway Patrol apart from other agencies that operate in and around Lucid City?
    State highway patrol are known for enforcing laws and promoting public safety, The primary difference between the two is that the state trooper operates with a narrow jurisdiction (roadways). They do have state wide jurisdiction like BCSO and LSPD. Even though their main jurisdiction are major roadways like Great Ocean Highway, and Senora Freeway. I expect to do speed traps, As in sitting on major busy highways and try to cut speeding and improper driving in half. Respond to any back ups or any calls that are in high demand, Like a big bank that needs more additional units. They have more qualities by simply having more to enforce on when it comes to traffic laws and overall accidents.

    What is your priority in a situation - preservation of life (including a potential hostage situation) or catching those involved? Why?
    My priority is preservation of life. If its from a hostage to the the suspect. Everyone's life matters and hopefully its able to be resolved in a peaceful manner. If the suspects get away that's fine we can get them next time. We can't get someones life back. So its my goal to deescalate the situation at hand before making matters worse. No one should lose their life over ,000 or something silly. I want to make sure the current scene goes well, And that everyone makes it out okay. I care about the hostage's life more than catching or winning over the criminal. That is never my goal. I hope its no ones goal, They should be focused on getting everyone out safely.

    While on patrol as a base-rank Trooper, you find yourself having a few negative run-ins with a Corporal after a minor issue on-duty that you felt was resolved. You feel that your disagreement with them goes beyond professional levels and that perhaps this corporal has a personal issue with you. How would you proceed in dealing with this issue, knowing that a Corporal is a supervisor-in-training and a superior rank to you?
    I would talk to him personally and figure out whats going on and express my overall expressions and thoughts on the situation. I don't want anyone to get in trouble I just wanna make sure that we are on the same page and understand I only want the best for the city, And that we shouldn't get hot headed towards each other. So if its something that can be resolved in a talk I would love that instead of going over him and talking to a higher rank. I just want him to know I'm there to back him up no matter what happens, At the end of the day we're wearing the same uniform so their my brother/sister in arms. I don't want anything to happen to them!

    While on patrol as a Trooper, you respond to a pursuit of armed felons that just committed a murder. You strike a civilian vehicle in the pursuit. Neither vehicle is disabled and there are no injuries. How do you proceed?
    I'd make sure their okay, And if their is anyone in the chase with me I would have them take primary and make sure they would stay on them. If not I would try my hardest to catch back up after making sure the civilian is okay. Their life and health matters so I wanna make sure there are no injuries. We can always catch back up to that car, We can't bring the civilian back if something happens to them!

    While on patrol as a Trooper, you respond and arrive on-scene at a bank robbery at the Fleeca Bank on Great Ocean Highway. While setting up a perimeter and beginning to negotiate with the suspects inside, you receive notification of a panic alarm being activated from an LCPD officer. How would you respond?
    I would drop everything I'm doing and respond to the panic button. Our officers lives are really important so if their in distress we wanna take all probable cause and proceed to protect their safety. Everyone should drop anything their doing to make sure we clear the scene and secure our officer.

    While on patrol as a Trooper, you respond to a call of suspicious activity - possible narcotics trafficking - in the vicinity of Grove Street. You observe a heavily tinted vehicle exiting the scene as you arrive and decide to pull the vehicle over for a traffic stop. Potentially citing case law as well as reasonable suspicion and probable cause, what are you empowered to do, and what would you do to investigate? Additionally, if the vehicle were to flee immediately upon sight of you, how would that change things?
    I would have reasonable suspicion to stop the vehicle and try to detain the suspect, and pat down the suspect for anything illegal and question said suspect. Where probable cause I would see them hand the drugs to said person. I can stop that vehicle arrest and search said suspect. And proceed to investigate the scene and see if there is any remaining evidence. But if they run from me and I just have reasonable suspicion no hard evidence, I would chase the car and if we caught the suspect we would charge him for evading and then charge the suspect with whatever he had on his person. Its all based on the scene and what I see or don't see. It could change in seconds.

    Do you agree not to ask staff members and/or command staff to look at this application?

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