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Posts posted by SneakyT

  1. What is your discord name?

    What is your age?

    How long have you been on Lucid City RP?
    2 months

    What is your in-game phone number?

    What is your roleplay name?
    Tommy Simpson

    What country & region are you from?
    USA, EST

    How would you explain the duties of a Lawyer?
    A lawyer is someone who esnures that someone receives a fair trial and makes sure the proper legal proceedings are being conducted. They study the various laws and legal proccesses to ensure a smooth and just trial.

    Do you have previous legal experience? If so, explain.
    I do not but I am willing to learn.

    Why do you want to be a lawyer?
    I have always been interested in the after math of an arrest. I like the ability to defend or prove someone's innocence or guilt. I also want to be able to help progress the roleplay of others on the server in the aftermath of their arrest.

    How are you different from other applicants?
    I have been in the city for quite some time now. I have been serving as an Assisstant Medical Director on my cousin so I have a strong knowledge of roleplay and the maturity needed to conduct myself as a lawyer.

    How much time are you willing to invest as a lawyer?
    I can invest whatever is required as a lawyer. I do have a cousin that is an Assisstant Medical Director so I need to balance time between both.

    Does your character have a criminal record?

    What is your current occupation on the server?
    I currently have been doing deliveries around the city.

    Have you received any disciplinary actions in the past? If so, why were you disciplined, and what have you learned from that mistake?

    Do you agree not to ask about the status of your application?

    Do you agree to follow chain of command?


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