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Posts posted by GingerSnowflake

  1. 6 hours ago, gibxm said:


    The rules are meant to be followed, and if there are any scenarios where they're being broken, we need the community to provide us the evidence. Once you ship that evidence, the staff team can discuss and take actions if necessary, but we do not disclosure what the punishment will be. All you need to know is that it will be handled properly according to the community rules. 

    We do appreciate your time to put in those considerations.

    Thank you for the reply. Most of us that have been here for some time know that the rules exist for a purpose and again most abide by them but I am not writing about most of us, I am talking about a very few select people and their "scenarios" where they are using words that will get people banned on Twitch and are clearly breaking Lucid rules with derogatory and/or slur "Roleplay scenarios. Can I and other streamers stop a scene dead in it's tracks when such "scenes" happen without fear of punishment? What do we do in that instance? It's Twitch TOS that we MUST not allow derogatory and/or slur usage on our streams and should use all preventing measures to make sure it doesn't happen which includes muting microphones in open lobbies, muting voice chats in lobbies, hiding chats in games, using profanity filters etc. Preventive and decisive actions by Lucid moderators is the only thing I can think of to prevent and eliminate the "threat" of temp/perma Twitch bans. Clipping it and shipping it means it's already happened and a "scene" has played out which can and will cripple someone trying to make content while playing on Lucid.

    Premium a.k.a Primo a.k.a Kurt a.k.a GingerSnow

  2. These are thoughts on various rules that I feel are not being enforced well enough and/or suggestions to improve them.


    1. The use of the n-word is rampant and a detriment to the community. Don't get me wrong, I understand that we are going for "realistic Roleplay" but that entails following where you come from, who you are and who you are a part of.  This ties directly into point 4 below. Seen enough and been a part of enough "scenes" to feel extremely out of place in the world where this word is used constantly instead of roleplaying out with intellect, poise, class and no derogatory and/or slur words.

    04.03: Refrain from using derogatory and / or slurs that could be considered discriminatory towards race, religion, and political beliefs. You don't need to agree with others or their ways, but if you feel hate and / or dislike to the point where you feel the need to harass them then you are not welcome in this community.


    2. There is zero immersion with this being called a Roleplaying Scenario: "you a bitch cuh, not even a shotta, u pushin P's n-word, suck ur mum you blind fuck, push me n-word, push me bitch, what did you say you r-word". Adds nothing to anyone's storyline, adds nothing to scenarios, adds nothing to immersion and isn't even roleplay.

    30.02: Our goal is to make sure that all players provide each other with an immersive experience, and add to each other’s storylines. While you are with the emergency medical service you will strive to provide a good scenario for yourself, but also the medical providers, please do your best to use: /me to provide the best possible roleplay and interaction to the medical providers, as they will do the same for you.


    3. See point 2.

    30.04: While interacting with other individuals and characters within the community, you are to do your utter best to provide them with an enjoyable interaction, scenario, and / or event depending on the circumstance. We are all here to enjoy ourselves, to have fun and to make new connections, to build a storyline, whatever happens within character is to stay within character, within a specific character.


    4. This ties into points 1-3. According to this rule I should follow Twitch TOS when streaming, which means ending scenarios as soon as I hear a derogatory word or a slur being used which in turn makes me break Lucid Rules by denying the person and/or persons their "scene". There is no middle ground on it. A channel can be reported and many have in the past for what other people than the streamers are saying. We have all seen the fail clips and then subsequent Twitch temp and perma bans for allowing such behavior and/or rule breaks to happen. And before someone jumps in with "just say to them please don't use such language" it would only pour space shuttle fuel on an already big fire. 

    43.01: You are required to comply with the Twitch Terms of Service upon streaming yourself, or knowingly being in the presence of another streamer. This may be located here: Redacted


    I propose that we enforce these rules with TRUE punishments. If we clip and ship someone breaking these rules we want to know they are getting punished for breaking these rules otherwise why do we even have these as rules? As mild suggestions for human decency and behavior? 


    Food for thought

    Premium a.k.a Primo

    • On God Homie 1
  3. 7 hours ago, The Doctor said:

    does anyone know if anyone actually looks at the weasel news applications? it looks like no one has been accepted or denied since November.

    I have let Alex know that you are asking (Uncle Bennie co-owner of Weazel). But yeah, it's a rough business atm as there is no paper route or anything similar for income. They rely on events, the occasional great news reporters (that they then fired, looking at you Jerry lol), and that infernal machine that makes things legal... But yeah, I digress. Try also just showing up at Weazel or use Vibe to contact them.


  4. 6 hours ago, Drbakz said:

    wdym get involved with the pd 

    As in drive up to a Police Officer in a stolen car and ask "can I park this in a garage even though it's not mine" hehe

  5. What is your discord name?

    What is your age?

    How long have you been on Lucid City RP?
    Around 6 weeks

    What is your in-game phone number?

    What is your roleplay name?
    Fain Borden

    What country & region are you from?
    Sweden (Skane) living there but I'm an American

    How would you explain the duties of a Lawyer?
    To argue a case on behalf of defendants and represent them in a legal capacity so that they get a fair treatment according to the laws and regulations of Lucid City.

    Do you have previous legal experience? If so, explain.
    No Roleplaying experience as a lawyer.

    Why do you want to be a lawyer?
    I want to be able to argue cases in an as realistic way so that all parties involved in a scenario can benefit from a full Department of Justice experience as well as take on private clients and eventually represent high profile clients

    How are you different from other applicants?
    I aim to bring an almost movie/tv show like representation of a lawyer into Lucid. My background speaks for itself, I dive into a role and aim to make the experience pleasant for all parties involved.

    How much time are you willing to invest as a lawyer?
    1-5 hours Daily depending on the needs of the citizens of Lucid and case load.

    Does your character have a criminal record?
    He does not have a criminal record.

    What is your current occupation on the server?

    Have you received any disciplinary actions in the past? If so, why were you disciplined, and what have you learned from that mistake?
    Have not received any disciplinary actions.

    Do you agree not to ask about the status of your application?

    Do you agree to follow chain of command?


  6. Lucid Public Rules: Section 18: Power Gaming already covers this from the definition of what you have laid out (in May)

    Unless there is a hidden allowance of the break of these rules in these places they are to be upheld. 

    (05) - Robbing other individuals without giving them the opportunity to interact or speak, this provides a one-sided roleplay scenario, which should be avoided as we are all here to have a fun and enjoyable time, allow other individuals to speak and defend themselves rather than forcing them to shut up instantly.

    (06) - Placing individuals into a situation or scenario where there is zero chance for escape or counterplay, such as but is not limited to placing them inside areas through the escort feature while dead or alive in areas where the emergency medical service or other agencies are unable to retrieve them.

    This also works in conjunction with The Criminal Enterprise Rules: Camping which state:

    Intentionally sitting and hanging around high traffic areas that lead to illicit spots such as drug areas, job areas and so forth for the purpose of robbing individuals or committing acts of terrorism will not be tolerated as it is unreasonable and unfair, and could in an excessive manner lead to the individual not having a good time on the server....


    Topic should probably be locked since it's over 3 months old and there are clear rules in place for these issues. 

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