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Posts posted by Jordan

  1. Only refund if you lost something due to a bug and you have got proof! We won't refund anything that you lost because of your own mistakes.


    Forum Name
    Mooch Gun Decay

    What do you need refunded?
    1 Max AK47, 1 Max M4 Carbine, 1 Max AR15


    Steam Name

    Additional Details
    I can Provide Clip in dms if needed, I flew in, all of my guns, all of which were over 60% dura 2 days ago are now completely decayed. 2 Days does not decay a gun by 60%. I have a war tomorrow and all of my guns are gone.

  2. Only refund if you lost something due to a bug and you have got proof! We won't refund anything that you lost because of your own mistakes.


    Forum Name
    Mooch AR15

    What do you need refunded?
    1x Max AR15 (Supp Ext Small Scope)


    Steam Name

    Additional Details
    https://streamable.com/obprcd (Gift Box expired and my AR15 was inside of it, if possible check logs please you can see i never lost it, it just got lost with the box)


  3. Steam link:https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198835581266/
    Duration: July 3rd, 2021 (3 Months)
    Reason for ban: "massrdm, harassment, toxicity"
    Why do you think you're illegible for an unban: the toxicity and harassment i was in my head for. The massrdm i didnt do anything, i watched it and now somebody reported me because i was in the car. somebody literally said "Me and some gays just got killed by a charger squad" i didnt harass anybody in any way, i just got reported because i was in the car
    Screenshot of ban:
  4. So I spent 4 hours doing deliveries and completed 52 deliveries. Instead of staying on like the owner said he would, he didn't tell me he needed to pay me at the moment he got off so i wasn't just doing jobs for no reason. So he got off and I never got paid for my 4 hours worth of work

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