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Posts posted by zaxx386

  1. I have a suggestion regarding rules and medical services.

    At the moment EMS is struggling in Lucid. Large gaps of time there are no EMS working. Part of this is just due to difficulties in staffing, part is due to people getting bored working EMS all alone, part of it is the repetitive nature of EMS RP burns people out.

    Recently the emergency call out system was modified to permit State Troopers to get calls when someone is injured. This should help but I suggest more can be done.

    We should modify the rules to permit an underground hospital to be operated and staffed similar to a business (though one that is illegal as they are not licensed doctors so it would need a cover story and for it's services to be unspoken near Johnny law).

    An underground hospital would still require no criminal record for workers, have strict government rules (to protect the sanctity of the healing process in the city) but it would permit more RP and entertaining for the patients and workers.

    EMS in Lucid is the same thing over and over and over. Drive fast (legit many need to learn the laws for driving an ambulance, cripes), find patient, drive fast, apply band-aid, invoice, and repeat over and over and over again. 

    In order to make a change like this possible, I suggest the rules be modified to permit medical services to be offered from a secret underground hospital facility. This was done (unstaffed) for a period of time in 1.0 (granny's) and with improvements we should permit it returning in 2.0.

  2. What is your discord name?

    What is your age?

    How long have you been on Lucid City RP?
    8 months

    What is your in-game phone number?
    (396) 225-2278

    What is your roleplay name?
    Dr. Muz

    What country & region are you from?
    Canada - Saskatchewan - UTC-6

    How would you explain the duties of a Lawyer?
    Representing clients to ensure they are treated appropriately within the rules of law and acting as the checks and balance for the police and judicial system.

    Do you have previous legal experience? If so, explain.
    Only as a client on a non-criminal matter

    Why do you want to be a lawyer?
    I was a Doctor for 7 months and was very good at it. I feel my professionalism and organizational skills would fit the job well.

    How are you different from other applicants?
    I bet I am the only character from Newfoundland with a fitting accent applying. Plus IRL I am an Engineer and work in a professional setting.

    How much time are you willing to invest as a lawyer?
    20 hours per week

    Does your character have a criminal record?
    No, I have a clean record. Had to in order to work in EMS.

    What is your current occupation on the server?
    Unemployed but looking for opportunities

    Have you received any disciplinary actions in the past? If so, why were you disciplined, and what have you learned from that mistake?

    Do you agree not to ask about the status of your application?

    Do you agree to follow chain of command?


  3. We see on the discord and forums multiple reports and frustration towards occurrences where PD has committed an RP fail. We are told that when these incidents are reported those officers are handled, which is excellent. 

    What I am suggesting is that any whitelisted position (PD, EMS, whatever) has a public disclosure of punishments. If an officer or EMS shows behaviour that breaks RP or is in violation of city rules against hate speech, following an investigation a report of the incident and the resulting punishment should be made public.

    It puts more faith in the system and the honesty of those we are entering into RP scenes with if we can open the reporting and process (if they are found guilty). Plus we can all learn a bit.

    Please give this serious consideration and discussion as a rule/procedure suggestion for the city

  4. How are you now? 

    My mate Muz said to tell you who he is and where he comes from. He said he knows the mob lifestyle, so your 10-ply if you disrespect him.
    He is making the move to Lucid City after he put a stink bomb in a nerf gun and fired it at his stepdad Rick. Rick told him no more kids table with those big boy moves and said he best start paying rent. Rent is too much so Muz was bummed. After finding happiness at the bottom of a bottle of whiskey, he woke up on his friend’s lawn in Lucid City. 

    Muz has skills, make no mistake. Fights Dirty, fast, and finishing with a celly. He drives like Gretzky dangles, but he lost his license when he lost his wallet and last time he was driving he got called a shithead at go karts for bumping another driver and had to fight the guy ‘cause he was on a first date.

    Ummm Muz is from Sicily and on the streets they called him Killer. I worked for Muz back home, part of his crew running the streets so you know he has connections. 

    <Claiming to be from Italy will show my cred and pretending to be someone working for me makes them think I have a crew instead of just an unemployed fool. I am going to smoke a dart before I get out there and take over this town.>

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