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About BeKzii

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  1. a group of 5 people came up to me and with knife and hit me a couple times i ran to pill box to heal and as i walked in they said i cant do that but they weren't robbing me they just came up to me and hit me they also said there where gonna report me
  2. new character trait for smiley tantillo. while smiley was walking down the street a gang robbed and kidnaped him while taking hostage in a disclosed location they threw acid on his right eye and became blind he now wears an eye patch.
  3. can a mod plz delete my first import dealership application
  4. on my application for the import dealership i tried to put my full background for my character but it didnt fit sorry
  5. i have push to talk on and im sure of it but even with push to talk on im talking without pressing my press to talk button does anyone know why
  6. hello im smiley tantillo i moved to lucid city for reasons not to be named found out my older brother muz moved here not to long ago and decided to work along side him. for some reason me and muz have naturally bright pink hair momma says its a gift but i always thought it was weird. muz says we're from Sicily but we're actually from Toronto. papa left when i was 2 or thats what momma says i dont know what really happened and no one will tell not even muz... anyways enough of my rough childhood i think moving to lucid city was the best option for me. <my real name is Richey but my friends call me smiley> < age 23 also single and ready to mingle not really no woman likes me... what was i talking about>
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