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Posts posted by TheWineDoctor

  1. On 2/28/2022 at 4:47 PM, JoeyC said:

    They can tax them but shouldn't be killing you unprovoked. Get a bodycam and start recording things. 

    Yea I’m going to start recording, from now on. server is great it’s just sometimes players turn into happy-trigger mode!

  2. Born and raised in the streets of Rio De Janeiro, Brazil, up on the Hills where they call it "Favela" At a young age I was involved with some bad situations, hustling my youth on the streets, doing the unimaginable for any way to survive. As time went on and I got a little older I saw my life flash before my eyes when a bad deal went wrong. I realized I had to get off of the streets and better myself to conquer the world in a positive and right way. I met up with a buddy of mine and he told me about Lucid City. A place far enough where I am able to start fresh and do things the right way and help the people that are where I was in life. Help them better themselves and do right into this world. 

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