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Tyler Philips

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Posts posted by Tyler Philips

  1. Hey, my name is Tyler Philips. I am originally from rural upstate New York, but moved out here to make some moves. After high school, I moved to the mountains of Montana, and joined a local police force. After 6 months of solo patrolling, I was fired. I stole, and used cocaine from the evidence locker. Since high school I have been a heavy drug user and have been terrible with money.


    I will do anything for my drugs and for money to buy them. If I don’t have the money and you have the drugs, get out of my way! My family had tried to enter me into rehab multiple times, but nothing will stop me from that high. I’m excited to be in Los Santos where the drugs are everywhere. I look forward to meeting my fellow peers, and doing drugs with them. Like I said, you got drugs and I don’t ah Romney, out of my way.


    In all seriousness, I have been wanting to do RO on GTA for awhile and look forward to giving it a go. I do intend on being a druggy in RP, as it just seems fun to RP with. 

    -Tyler Philips

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