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Posts posted by ZeeTheOG

  1. What is your discord name?

    What is your age?

    How long have you been on Lucid City RP?
    2 years on and off

    What is your in-game phone number?

    What is your roleplay name?
    Jackson RangeBrother

    What country & region are you from?
    Canada AST

    How would you explain the duties of a Lawyer?
    Lawyers play a crucial role in the legal system by offering legal advice and counsel to clients, conducting thorough research to build strong cases, and drafting a variety of legal documents. They represent clients in court proceedings and negotiations.

    Do you have previous legal experience? If so, explain.
    I am an unofficial intern for two private lawyers Miles and Kilo RangeBrother in city.

    Why do you want to be a lawyer?
    To better my ability's of helping the community. i also want to help the two RangeBrothers i'm currently working with

    How are you different from other applicants?
    I have some previous experience and strive to be a lawyer to better the city

    How much time are you willing to invest as a lawyer?
    10+ hours a week

    Does your character have a criminal record?

    What is your current occupation on the server?
    Unofficial Law Intern

    Have you received any disciplinary actions in the past? If so, why were you disciplined, and what have you learned from that mistake?

    Do you agree not to ask about the status of your application?

    Do you agree to follow chain of command?


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