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Posts posted by ArtFootlong

  1. Just moved to Lucid from Liberty few days ago. Owned a Subway there, shut down due to COVID. Moved out to Lucid cuz I heard it’s been untouched by the pandemic somehow.

    Started working for a local 24/7, I’m a delivery man. Just trying to grind out my shifts so I can save up to open my own business again. Spent damn near every penny to my name paying out my employees before I had to shut down.

    Plan on opening another restaurant, or possibly a store. I keep my nose clean and my gun loaded. Not looking for fame or clout, only success and happiness.

    Hope I get to meet you all.

  2. I keep seeing very basic questions being asked in the wrong places (I was guilty of it myself as well). So, here's a short list of the to-do's:

    read all the little prompts that pop up when you join for the first time. it does tell you really basic stuff like go get your ID and license and what not.

    if you die, you lose your stuff. you have a map - think about what exactly you need, and find the location on the map legend. I promise you, once you look at it and utilize it, things will make sense. looking for a phone? check the map, I promise you you're gonna find an electronic icon and figure it out. in the discord you can find a basic keybindings list for commands. AND PLEASE READ THE GUIDELINES.

    What really bothers staff are these questions, and while at first it seems a bit much, someone in discord put it in a very understandable context. the goal of Lucid City RP is immersion. If you are allowed to just hop on discord and gather information that way, well you aren't immersed into the world, you're just playing another video game. 

    So the biggest tip I can give anyone is this - play nice, don't f with anyone, and kindly ask around the city for help. Just like IRL, some people will go out of their way to help you, others will tell you to get the f out of their way.

    If you see me, I'm a ginger taxi cab driver, ask me for help I will have no problem doing what I can. the rest? well, that's for you to figure out. only those with the smarts to figure out their own path will survive in Lucid City. It's not "the meek shall inherit the earth" but rather "survival of the fittest."

    Hope this helps :)

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