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Posts posted by TheExaltedPrime

  1. What is your discord name?

    What is your age?

    How long have you been on Lucid City RP?
    1 Year

    What is your in-game phone number?
    Unknown at the time, will update when I have time to grab it.

    What is your roleplay name?
    Billy Singh

    What country & region are you from?
    British Columbia, Canada (PST)

    How would you explain the duties of a Lawyer?
    To represent the citizens of Lucid with an accurate knowledge of the laws presented and to be unbiased in any shape or form when it comes to criminal cases, defamation cases, etc.

    Do you have previous legal experience? If so, explain.
    Yes, I had taken 1 year to study criminal law in preperation to go into either the private police sector of Canada or the National Police Force.

    Why do you want to be a lawyer?
    I feel like I could do the citizens justice by presenting a fair case for all individuals, and provide a safe and reputable atmosphere when it comes to individuals looking to launch a case against either another person or an entity.

    How are you different from other applicants?
    Well, for starters, I am not above everyone else, I just want to serve the city as best as I see fit, and seeing how I love looking at facts and getting straight answers, I would make a wonderful lawyer if not one of the best.

    How much time are you willing to invest as a lawyer?
    Anytime I am needed or even more.

    Does your character have a criminal record?
    No, and it shouldn't have one as I was a CID for the longest time.

    What is your current occupation on the server?
    Nothing at the moment.

    Have you received any disciplinary actions in the past? If so, why were you disciplined, and what have you learned from that mistake?
    I was banned for revenge reporting, but if the question arises about my ban I will gladly discuss it, but that is for upper management and Senior Admins to decide.

    Do you agree not to ask about the status of your application?

    Do you agree to follow chain of command?


  2. -1 from me. I've seen cities who allow this and the cops always get robbed, then you have people running around with carbine rifles, and other guns that you don't need to have.

    And people do understand that some cops aren't on all the time, so it could just be one or two for the lot of you, and then they get robbed by 10 kids with knives and boom, these kids are now millionaires.

  3. 3 hours ago, Cosm0 said:

    Also that Momoshiki fight in the anime was god tier 

    The soundtrack and the fight was god-tier. To see Team 7 fight and the actual fight in anime form was amazing. 

    • On God Homie 1
  4. Morning everyone! 

    TheExaltedPrime here or Billy in the city.


    For a bit now, I've been studying on the rules, and have been seeing a lot more people clicking the link to the rules page.

    It's disheartening, to say the least, when you see people post ban appeals on the simple matters they can follow,

    Including but not including:

    Admin Disrespect



    Combat Logging



    I want to go over a few of those and maybe shine the light on helping everyone out here on what I think, after talking to staff about different situations, and what maybe can help you RP better, and help you succeed in other servers as well. 


    First off let's tackle Admin Disrespect:

    "I was banned for talking back to an admin, and I want to be unbanned, it's online, if the admin can't take being an admin then he/she shouldn't be an admin"

    Wrong, the way you talk to any staff, whether it be a helper, to the straight up owner, should not be different. 

    A helper should get the same respect of everyone else, no matter the rank.

    They take the time out of their lives to help the server, and anyone who does that in my opinion, is deserving of the utmost respect.

    What you can do to help curb your importance is to think about what you do for a living, and reflect that here.

    Do you work in a grocery store, or a fast food place, or something customer related.

    How would you feel if some random person just started yelling at you/bullying you for no apparent reason? 

    Or if you don't have a job like that, maybe think:

    If you were accosted from across the street from some random guy/girl and they were just straight up being a huge loser, and just decided to target you without getting

    to know you, how would you feel?

    Food for thought honestly.


    Another topic I see being in the unban appeals is Vehicle Deathmatch or VDM:

    "I didn't know I couldn't run someone over/I didn't know it was wrong to run over a cop while he was arresting my friend"

    I can honestly say, VDM happens, we all are guilty of running someone over at Pillbox or something, but that is an accident, and we can settle it RP wise.

    But running someone over on purpose, and driving away, is how you find yourself on the short end of an admin sit. 

    Don't do that, in real life, as this is Serious RP, you would not run someone over and run away, you have consequences, such as either if you killed the person, that's vehicular manslaughter, that's a minimum of 10 years, plus you ran from the scene, that's an extra 5 years.

    Can you imagine losing your whole life because you ran away? 

    Now imagine here, where you get sent to jail for 25 years, that's 288 minutes in jail.

    We obviously have different ways to handle it.

    Either on purpose or by accident, don't drive around speeding and then running away when you hit someone, it's unrealistic.

    And don't hit cops who are arresting your friend, in real life, if you hit a cop, the whole state will be after you, you would never see the light of day,

    and even if you do get out, you would never be the same.

    We aim to provide a realistic approach on RP, not sitting here and acting like it's GTA:O (GTA Online)

    If you want to run someone over and get away with it, go there.



    Another topic I see being in the unban appeals is Random Deathmatch or RDM

    "I killed someone for being outside the dealership for not leaving/I killed someone for hitting my car and I got banned"

    Bullets are the last resort, so is any other weapon, try to talk down the situation.

    Use your words, if someone hit your car, and you straight up killed them, that is a ban. That's not realistic.

    You don't just go up to the guy and say "Hey, mighty fine weather we are having-BAM" and shoot him, you talk about it.

    If someone is outside your dealership, and he refuses to leave, you call the cops. They will deal with it, you are not Judge, Jury and Executioner.

    Refrain from shooting your gun, unless you are apart of of a gang, then go for it. If he's apart of a rival gang, then take him out, rob him and do whatever.

    But as a civilian? Never! If you initiate a shooting, you are responsible for your actions, you can not use the excuse of "He/She hit my car, so thus I concluded to shoot them!"

    This isn't the wild west, we are civilized people here.


    Another topic I see being in the unban appeals is Combat Logging

    "I got banned for combat logging because I was being robbed"

    Combat logging is the act in which you quit the game in an RP situation or an Admin sit. 

    It is not when you crash, you can say to the arresting cop or person robbing you that you crashed, to wait for you to continue the RP scenario.

    It is when you purposely quit to avoid getting your items taken away. 

    You get robbed, so what? Move on, get your items back, or rob the people who robbed you! 

    But do not combat log, it ruins the fun, it ruins the RP experience, and you can/will get banned. 

    So have fun getting robbed, joke around, have some laughs, even if you fear for your life, make an enjoyment out of it.

    Being angry that you got robbed is okay, but leaving mid-way is how you get banned.


    Another topic I see being in the unban appeals is Abuse/Harassment

    "I got banned for Abuse/Harassment, it's RP, what do people expect"

    It may be RP, but please don't take it out of RP and start DMing people about it in Discord or any other sort of outside communications.

    So maybe take it as such and take the high road and do something else that doesn't make you butt heads with the person you are beefing with.

    This includes sexual harassment. This is a game, calling a girl in the server any derogative words can and will get you a ban.

    Imagine calling your mom the same names you repeatedly said to the female cop on the server. 

    I bet you anything you would get your ass handed to you by your dad or your mom, so quit it. 

    It's disgusting, and when I was in general with a bunch of you, the words I heard towards the one female was utterly distateful.

    I get it, you guys are 14-17, hormones through the roof, you guys don't know how to talk to girls yet, and you resort to name calling.

    So this is how you fix this or better yourselves:

    Treat them the way you treat your mom or anyone older than you. Start by using "Yes ma'am" or anything proper.

    You do that, and I can assure you, you won't get banned for any of it. 


    This has been Prime, and I appreciate you guys coming and reading this short PSA.


  5. I come to the city to parley, to use my words. The sweet essence of my linguistic skills outweigh many.


    Who am I?

    Well, I am Billy. 

    I lie in the shadows, never going into the spotlight, never seen, never spoke of.

    Until I need to be.


    Where did I come from?

    A pit long forgotten, a hole where you toss the vilest minds and toss them the scraps of society so they can see the world change without their poison to manifest and grow in the world like a disease.

    I was born into that pit, never sleeping, always watching, always learning.


    What are your goals?

    For peace. For quietness.

    The noise becomes unbearable, the noise of shootings, arguing.


    "I walked the earth like men do, I ate like men do"

    They claim to be the ones who own this city but what happens when someone who has the will of the people, and the will to dominate others comes in,

    they become silent. 

    They become weak, angry, bashful. 

    They take what they think is theirs, and they take the women hostage, insulting, forcing the innocent to take on their moniker unless they want to die.


    I am here to say.



  6. I'm sorry, but who are you? 



    This is why servers whitelist.

    You do realize the server is going whitelist pretty soon right? It's not a secret, people who defend this server don't have any monetary goals, because Pepega doesn't need our support. The reason we stay is because we have seen the underbelly, the raw truth, the good RP. 


    Anytime you log onto the server, YOU, make the server relationships. That could be your mouth, your actions, your dynamics. Yesterday, I had a conversation with two opposing gangs. None of them said to me they wanted to kill me, but I made my presence known, I wasn't mean/aggressive like most, I was calm and collected.


    They listened, and hashed it out. Sort of. But nothing came to me, nor did it come to them the thought of harming/robbing me. 


    You need to retrospect your actions, what are you doing that lays the map of your destruction? Are you mouthing people off? Are you going to places that can cause strife? Maybe ask for protection? Go wander over to Bennys, or something and find some people who can guarantee your safety. Find other means to make money, like working for stores and businesses. 


    The server is yours to own, and it is your own actions that lay the foundation of your success.  



  7. Hello everyone! 

    I am TheExaltedPrime or Billy. 

    I stream, and I play guitar and sing!


    How did I find RP:

    I used to play a lot of San Andreas RP when I was younger, even going as far as playing AltisLife on Arma 3. 

    And a lot of DarkRP, I'm 23 now, and DarkRP is kind of boring now.


    Where are you from?:

    I was born in America and immigrated to Canada, and have a degree in Server Engineering. (I love DevOps)

    I also do VideoEditing, Graphics and a bit of coding.



    And that's me.

    • On God Homie 1
  8. Most of you might be new here, so I want to make some stuff clear:


    • https://discord.gg/PvNjwbnCAQ is the Discord, join it! We need everyone to join it, and that's where you would get in contact with staff more easier!
    • Search Lucid City in the FiveM server browser. To connect to any of our servers manually, All you need to do is, open F8. Type "connect", and the server info. City 1: F8 > connect
    • Rules can be found: http://gg.gg/lcrprules http://gg.gg/lcrppenals http://gg.gg/lcrpgangguidelines
    • spacer.png
    • The above is the staff hierarchy, so joining the discord is key to find out who's staff and who's being a negative Nancy here.
    • If you want to make money, get a job, or become a criminal or join either the LSPD, the EMS service or the mechanics or the car dealers here.
    • And a final thing, don't be a loser, and kill new players. It may be fun, but it keeps good players away, so refrain yourself.


    And a final ending, I am in all support of invading Carthage.

    • On God Homie 1
    • You Cool 2
    • Here we go again.. 1
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