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Posts posted by QueenMe

  1. I am somewhat confused on that end. I didn't fill out any applications until after I joined the server to see if I'd enjoy it and there have been plenty of people. Easy  way to find them is to head to Benny's automotive repair and the pillbox hospital. People are always clumped up there it seems.

  2. As a Note: As of this post i have just figured out there is a separate discord for getting whitelisted that actually explains more on what to do for getting started in the Server. Attempting first log in.

  3. Hello there, fellow noob. As I see that none have yet commented upon your introduction I figured I'd stop in and greet you.
    Though it is not my place to welcome you as I am not even sure if you have to get whitelisted to play in the server or not. ;p

  4. While I am not new to RP, I have not done any in roughly 3 or 4 years and a lot of my time on rp servers was A) On GMOD and B) As a Moderator. So I would not say i am exactly experienced either.
    I joined Lucid City RP for three reasons: 1) I miss RP, 2) My Roomates have been watching NoPixel Streams and had me kinda itching to play GTA, and 3) Lucid seems to be alot easier to get into than many other servers with a well defined and simple set of rules.

    Hmm, beyond that all I can say is: I look forward to our interactions and hope for many a good time ahead. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, concerning me, Let me know and let us chat.

    Thank you for your time,

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