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Hello, Los Santos!  My name is SaltyLifeDE and I recently moved to Los Santos after spending a majority of my life on the east coast.  Well, as we all know, life is not always rainbows and sunshine....I got mixed up with some undesirables and we heisted a few banks. I was young, no care for consequences, on top of that, I started dealing controlled substances to pay my way through law school.  Ok, back to the bank heists.....well, one of the "gang" was caught and starting singing like the proverbial bird.  Gave up names, addresses, zodiac signs, the whole nine.  That forced me to install cameras everywhere, then it happened......black Escalade pulls up and luckily my wifi was working because I saw the feed while sitting in class.  I was prepared though, had my go bag in my truck and that's exactly what I did.  Left law school and just drove as far west as it would take me.  Made a few calls to friends and family on my burner phones, told them not to worry and I love them, you know, the usual things that are said when you go on the lam.  So, I drove away as far as I could, stopped by a good friend's place in Utah for new credentials and left my old life behind.   When I passed the Los Santos sign, it gave me good vibe about starting my life over.....so here I am.

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