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Robbing cops


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I think cops should be allowed to get robbed in certain circumstances. If lets say a cop in whether hes responding to a house robbery or is coming to a bank solo or in a duo where the opposing criminals have sometype of a advantage or hold over the cop. The criminals should be allowed to rob the cop for his guns and other tools that they might need to fight off whether its cops responding or other criminals. I think it should be more circumstantial and that a cop couldnt just get randomly robbed but that it should be scenario based and what not. Kinda boring not being able to get cop weapons and actual get into hold outs and what not because where not able to hold a bunch of equipment at once and when cops do come inside and die where not able to take guns and stuff that could help us win a fight

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-1 from me. I've seen cities who allow this and the cops always get robbed, then you have people running around with carbine rifles, and other guns that you don't need to have.

And people do understand that some cops aren't on all the time, so it could just be one or two for the lot of you, and then they get robbed by 10 kids with knives and boom, these kids are now millionaires.

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