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Posts posted by A10Airman

  1. What is your Steam profile link?



    How many hours do you have on Lucid and / or FiveM?



    What is your Discord username?



    How old are you?



    What is the name of your character?

    Cory Hester


    How old is the character you are applying with?



    What is the phone number of the character you are applying with?



    What is the background of your character?

    Born in 1998 into a humble farming family in Paleto Bay, I spent my early years surrounded by vast fields and serene countryside, fostering a deep appreciation for hard work, responsibility, and community. Assisting my family on the farm instilled in me firsthand the values of dedication and perseverance. As I reached adulthood, I explored opportunities beyond Paleto Bay, venturing into various lines of work such as recycling and Lucid Eats delivery services to support myself financially. Despite occasional trips to the city for work, my heart always gravitated back to the familiarity and comfort of my hometown. A significant aspect of my life is my bond with my younger brother, who once worked alongside me in the trash business, forging a strong relationship built on mutual respect and support. Overall, my farm-raised upbringing instilled in me a strong work ethic, resilience, and loyalty to family and community, qualities I believe are essential for success in any endeavor, including the esteemed role of a pilot.


    What are your previous jobs and / or current affiliations?

    In terms of my previous jobs and current affiliations, I've amassed a diverse range of experiences that have profoundly shaped my skills and work ethic. It all began with collecting and selling recycling materials, where I learned firsthand the importance of environmental stewardship and community service. Additionally, I've been involved in trash pickup runs in the city, immersing myself in the fast-paced urban environment while honing my efficiency and reliability. Moreover, my active engagement in Lucid Eats delivery service has sharpened my customer service skills and logistical acumen, emphasizing the significance of timeliness and professionalism in every interaction. Furthermore, I've embraced occasional delivery runs for the 24/7 store in Paleto, broadening my experience in the delivery industry while navigating familiar territory and embracing new challenges. Overall, my diverse background in recycling, urban trash pickup, and delivery services has equipped me with a versatile skill set and a robust work ethic, preparing me well for the dynamic and demanding role of a pilot.


    Why do you want to be a pilot?

    From a young age spent on the farm in Paleto Bay, I've been captivated by the vastness and beauty of the open skies, igniting within me a sense of adventure and wonder. As I matured and gained experience in various jobs, I found myself yearning for something more meaningful. The idea of becoming a pilot resonated deeply with me, offering the perfect combination of excitement, challenge, and personal growth. Moreover, the prospect of being a pilot aligns seamlessly with my innate sense of responsibility and commitment to service. I view flying not just as a career but as a calling—a chance to contribute to something greater than myself by safely transporting passengers to their destinations or delivering vital goods and services worldwide. Additionally, being a pilot represents a bridge between my rural upbringing and the broader world, providing opportunities to explore new horizons, connect with diverse cultures, and fulfill my passion for aviation. Ultimately, my desire to be a pilot stems from a deep-seated passion, a longing for adventure, and a commitment to making a positive impact in the world. It's not just a job—it's a lifelong dream ready to take flight.


    What makes you different from other individuals that are applying?

    What sets me apart from other applicants is my diverse background and multifaceted skill set. Growing up in Paleto Bay, I've been immersed in a close-knit community and developed a strong work ethic from an early age, assisting on the family farm and engaging in various jobs to support myself. My experience in collecting and selling recycling materials, performing trash pickup runs in the city, and working in delivery services for Lucid Eats and the local 24/7 store has provided me with a unique perspective and versatile skill set. These roles have honed my attention to detail, organizational skills, adaptability, and instilled a deep sense of responsibility and commitment to service. Furthermore, my rural upbringing has cultivated a strong connection to the land and a profound appreciation for nature, contributing to a unique problem-solving approach. Additionally, my dedication to continuous learning and improvement, coupled with my passion for aviation, has led me to pursue relevant training and certifications to excel in this field. In summary, my combination of a rural upbringing, diverse work experience, strong work ethic, and passion for aviation make me a unique and valuable candidate for this position. I am confident that I can bring a fresh perspective and dedicated approach to the role of a pilot.


    What kind of experience do you have related to flight and piloting?

    As an instrument-rated pilot in real life and currently pursuing a degree in aviation at one of the top collegiate flight schools in the US, I bring a wealth of practical and academic experience to the table. My journey into aviation began with a passion for flight that led me to enroll in a rigorous aviation program, immersing myself in a comprehensive curriculum covering a wide range of aviation topics. Throughout my academic studies, I've gained extensive hands-on experience through flight training sessions and simulator exercises, developing essential piloting skills under simulated real-world conditions. Additionally, my pursuit of a degree in aviation has provided me with a solid foundation in aviation theory, enabling me to analyze weather patterns, interpret aviation charts, and apply mathematical calculations to flight planning. My involvement in collegiate flight school demonstrates my commitment to professional development and excellence in the field of aviation. I am eager to leverage my unique blend of practical experience and academic training to deliver safe, efficient, and exceptional flights for passengers in the virtual skies.


    How active can you be a week?

    4 days a week in between my job


    Any additional questions?

    How often are these applications checked and when do interviews take place? I applied maybe a year ago but never heard back.

  2. What is your Steam profile link?



    How many hours do you have on Lucid and / or FiveM?



    What is your Discord username?



    How old are you?



    What is the name of your character?

    Cory Hester


    How old is the character you are applying with?



    What is the phone number of the character you are applying with?



    What is the background of your character?

    Cory Hester was born and raised in a small town, surrounded by tight-knit communities and picturesque landscapes. Growing up, Cory felt a restless longing for something more, an insatiable curiosity that couldn't be contained within the town's borders. With the release of the city, a gateway to limitless opportunities, Cory seized the chance to explore new horizons.
    Leaving behind the simplicity of small-town life, Cory arrived in the city filled with a mix of excitement and determination. However, the fast-paced lifestyle and constant hustle of the city soon became overwhelming. Seeking solace and a chance to establish their own path, Cory made the decision to settle in the tranquil town of Paleto. In Paleto, surrounded by breathtaking natural beauty, Cory found the perfect balance between ambition and serenity. Embracing the town's slower pace, they worked tirelessly, taking on various jobs and absorbing invaluable life lessons along the way. With each passing day, Cory's resolve strengthened, and they developed a resilient spirit that would serve them well in their pursuit of success. Now equipped with a wealth of experience and an unyielding drive, Cory is ready to once again step into the bustling city to pursue the airline industry.


    What are your previous jobs and / or current affiliations?

    Sanitation, lucid eats delivery, 24/7 delivery driver


    Why do you want to be a pilot?

    Becoming a pilot is the culmination of my lifelong fascination with aviation. From a young age, I have been captivated by the wonder of flight, often gazing up at the sky and imagining myself soaring among the clouds. The thought of maneuvering a powerful aircraft through the vast expanse of the sky fills me with an indescribable sense of exhilaration and joy. Being a pilot allows me to turn my passion into a profession, enabling me to combine my love for aviation with my desire for exploration and adventure. Beyond the thrill and excitement, being a pilot also carries a profound sense of responsibility. As a pilot, I would be entrusted with the lives of passengers, and that level of trust motivates me to continuously strive for excellence. I understand the gravity of the role and the importance of maintaining the highest standards of safety and professionalism. The sense of purpose I feel when knowing that I have the skills and knowledge to navigate complex flight systems, communicate effectively with air traffic control, and make split-second decisions to ensure the well-being of those onboard is immensely fulfilling. Becoming a pilot is not just a career choice for me; it is a calling that aligns with my core values, personal aspirations, and unwavering dedication to the art and science of aviation.


    What makes you different from other individuals that are applying?

    While there may be many talented and passionate individuals applying for the position of a pilot, what sets me apart is a unique combination of qualities and experiences that I bring to the table. First and foremost, my unwavering commitment to safety is a defining characteristic. I have invested substantial time and effort in my training, honing my skills to ensure the utmost precision in every flight. I prioritize safety above all else, adhering to rigorous protocols and regulations to mitigate risks and ensure the well-being of passengers and crew. Moreover, my decision-making abilities and composure under pressure are exceptional. Through various challenging situations, I have learned to stay calm, think critically, and make sound judgments swiftly. I believe that maintaining a composed and level-headed approach is vital in navigating unforeseen circumstances that may arise during flights. Furthermore, my dedication to providing a seamless and secure flying experience for passengers sets me apart. I understand that being a pilot is not only about flying an aircraft proficiently but also about creating a positive and comfortable environment for passengers. I prioritize effective communication, attentiveness, and a friendly demeanor to ensure passengers feel safe, informed, and well-cared for throughout their journey. Lastly, I have a deep appreciation for continuous learning and professional growth. I understand that the aviation industry is ever-evolving, and staying up to date with the latest advancements, best practices, and regulations is crucial. I am committed to ongoing education and training to enhance my skills and knowledge, ensuring that I remain at the forefront of the industry. Overall, it is the combination of my unwavering commitment to safety, exceptional decision-making abilities, dedication to passenger satisfaction, and a thirst for continuous improvement that sets me apart from other applicants. Lucid Airlines can trust that I will bring a unique blend of skills, qualities, and a deep passion for aviation to their team, making me an ideal candidate for the position of a pilot.


    What kind of experience do you have related to flight and piloting?

    I have a significant amount of experience related to flight and piloting. I hold a Private Pilot's License, which demonstrates my competence in piloting small aircraft. In addition, I am currently pursuing an aeronautical degree and actively working towards obtaining additional ratings and certifications. This academic pursuit has provided me with a comprehensive understanding of aviation principles, regulations, and safety protocols. Furthermore, I have accumulated numerous flight hours both in real-world aircraft and through simulator training. The practical experience gained during my flight hours has allowed me to refine my skills in various aircraft, including the Cessna 152 and Airbus A320. The simulator training has been instrumental in developing my ability to handle different flight scenarios, improving my decision-making skills, and enhancing my familiarity with advanced cockpit systems. By combining real-world flight experience, ongoing academic education, and extensive simulator training, I have developed a well-rounded foundation in aviation. These experiences have equipped me with the necessary knowledge, skills, and hours to confidently pursue a career as a pilot and contribute to the success of Lucid Airlines.


    How active can you be a week?

    Usually 5-6 days each week


    Any additional questions?

    What are the next steps to being hired if this application is accepted?

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