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About Easyreadz

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  1. What is your Steam profile link? https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198944386441/ How many hours do you have on Lucid and / or FiveM? started playing about a week ago, and have been playing for around 10 hours per day What is your Discord username? Easyreadz#9350 How old are you? 22 What is the name of your character? Dan Brown How old is the character you are applying with? 22 What is the phone number of the character you are applying with? 3049709105 What is the background of your character? Dan Brown is a ex sheriff from Texas who has cleaned up the Texas and now wants to clean up Lucid City. Currently he is trying to get his feet wet into the city and do some other jobs before joining the police force. What are your previous jobs and / or current affiliations? I have been a Delivery driver, and a lumberjack just to get some cash in my pocket. Why do you want to be a pilot? I always see the people in the city looking for pilots so I know there is a need for them in the city. I also want to use it as a opportunity to meet people in the city and make connections with powerful people as well. I also believe talked to a current airline pilot and he said he really enjoys his job and it is always a good time. What makes you different from other individuals that are applying? I feel like I can commit a lot of my time to this job, I also feel like my dedication and determination is unmatched compared to some other people in the city. I want to see how far this career can take me throughout Lucid City. What kind of experience do you have related to flight and piloting? I have no experience but I am willing to put all of my time in Lucid City to learn and master the trade. How active can you be a week? around 4-5 days a week, for at least 10 hours a day. Any additional questions? None
  2. Howdy, My SIr name is Dan Brown, But anyone close to me calls me Tex, mainly cause I'm Originally from the great state of Texas, served my community over yonder, for over 5 years. I have been fighting crime and injustice ever since I graduated highschool. When people ask me where I get my personality from, I mainly say its from both of my dads that raised me on the right side of the law, with a stern and strong point of view on what is right and wrong. I am moving to Lucid City to get a fresh start, and clean up this city, from what I have heard, this is the new Chiraq in this country, and I am here to change that.
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