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  1. What is your character name? Phillip Berto What is your Discord username? ChimpChampChomp#1902 Why do you wish to join the San Andreas Highway Patrol? Furthermore, what separates you from other candidates and makes you an asset compared to other applicants? I've spent around 2,000 hours in Lucid City between 1.0 and 2.0 and in that time I never really felt like a completely fit in to the gang scene as well as just needing a change to keep things interesting for myself. I don't know any of the other applicants so I can't speak on them but from my general experience in the city I'd Imagine that I'm more mature and goal oriented than the average person, and with the amount of time that I've spent in the city and amongst criminals I feel like I have a pretty good idea of how to approach most situations and interact with anyone involved. In your own words, explain what differentiates state law enforcement from local law enforcement, including jurisdictional concerns, and what duties you will expect to perform in the San Andreas Highway Patrol. Additionally, what other qualities do you believe sets the Highway Patrol apart from other agencies that operate in and around Lucid City? I would imagine that at its core it's very similar to LCPD because I often see them at the same scenes, but priority would be slightly different in the way that I would be responsible for patrolling the highway opposed to the inner city. What is your priority in a situation - preservation of life (including a potential hostage situation) or catching those involved? Why? Always preservation of life, for obvious reasons. You can't serve and protect someone you've let die. Money or any material possessions for that matter can be replaced but someone's life can't be. While on patrol as a base-rank Trooper, you find yourself having a few negative run-ins with a Corporal after a minor issue on-duty that you felt was resolved. You feel that your disagreement with them goes beyond professional levels and that perhaps this corporal has a personal issue with you. How would you proceed in dealing with this issue, knowing that a Corporal is a supervisor-in-training and a superior rank to you? Try to keep things professional while at the same time trying to get to know the person on a more personal level, maybe ask to ride with them at some point to get to know them better in an attempt to see whether or not I was just misreading the situation and our interactions or if they are just giving me a hard time for their own entertainment in which case I would try to diffuse it by taking it to one of their superiors. While on patrol as a Trooper, you respond to a pursuit of armed felons that just committed a murder. You strike a civilian vehicle in the pursuit. Neither vehicle is disabled and there are no injuries. How do you proceed? I would apologize without stopping because I'm in pursuit of armed murderers with my sirens on so the road should have been cleared to begin with. While on patrol as a Trooper, you respond and arrive on-scene at a bank robbery at the Fleeca Bank on Great Ocean Highway. While setting up a perimeter and beginning to negotiate with the suspects inside, you receive notification of a panic alarm being activated from an LCPD officer. How would you respond? I would try to quickly negotiate for the release of the hostages and immediately respond to the officer's panic alarm because as stated before preservation of life comes first in all cases. While on patrol as a Trooper, you respond to a call of suspicious activity - possible narcotics trafficking - in the vicinity of Grove Street. You observe a heavily tinted vehicle exiting the scene as you arrive and decide to pull the vehicle over for a traffic stop. Potentially citing case law as well as reasonable suspicion and probable cause, what are you empowered to do, and what would you do to investigate? Additionally, if the vehicle were to flee immediately upon sight of you, how would that change things? Given the location of the possible narcotics trafficking and the ID of the vehicle I would call for backup, after additionals have arrived on scene I would proceed with a normal traffic stop. After taking the persons info and returning to my car I would run their record and if I were to notice any prior drug trafficking or manufacturing charges I would inform the other officer on scene to be on guard and re-approach the car, at which time I would ask what they were up to, and inform them as to why the officers are there. At this time I would detain the person and search them and their vehicle. If the person flees I would treat it as a chase and ask for additionals, informing them of the situation. Do you agree not to ask staff members and/or command staff to look at this application? Yes
  2. What is your character name? Phillip Berto What is your Discord username? ChimpChampChomp#1902 Why do you wish to join the San Andreas Highway Patrol? Furthermore, what separates you from other candidates and makes you an asset compared to other applicants? I've spent around 2000 hours in Lucid City between 1 and 2.0 and I've never quite fit into the gang scene and I really need a change to keep things interesting, I don't really know any of the other applicants so I can't really speak on how I would differ from them but from my general experience in the city I'm a lot more mature and goal oriented than the average person I've met here, and having spent as much time in the city as I have and the experiences I've had amongst criminals gives me a pretty solid idea of how I should go about interacting with them from the other side of things. In your own words, explain what differentiates state law enforcement from local law enforcement, including jurisdictional concerns, and what duties you will expect to perform in the San Andreas Highway Patrol. Additionally, what other qualities do you believe sets the Highway Patrol apart from other agencies that operate in and around Lucid City? Priority levels for different types of engagements I would guess, I'd Imagine it's more about patrolling the highway and being involved in highspeed chases than the other agencies. What is your priority in a situation - preservation of life (including a potential hostage situation) or catching those involved? Why? Always preservation of life, for obvious reasons. It's hard to serve and protect someone you've let die. Loss of money or any possessions for that matter is inconsequential to someone's life and anything material can always be replaced. While on patrol as a base-rank Trooper, you find yourself having a few negative run-ins with a Corporal after a minor issue on-duty that you felt was resolved. You feel that your disagreement with them goes beyond professional levels and that perhaps this corporal has a personal issue with you. How would you proceed in dealing with this issue, knowing that a Corporal is a supervisor-in-training and a superior rank to you? In an effort to keep things professional in the future try to get to the route of the issue by addressing them on a personal level to make sure I'm not just misreading their interactions with me get to know them better, and after putting in an effort to get to know them and understand where they are coming from if it becomes obvious that they are just giving me a hard time for their own entertainment I would try to address the issue with someone who outranks them. While on patrol as a Trooper, you respond to a pursuit of armed felons that just committed a murder. You strike a civilian vehicle in the pursuit. Neither vehicle is disabled and there are no injuries. How do you proceed? Apologize without stopping because I'm in pursuit of a murderer and they should have cleared the road because I have my sirens on. While on patrol as a Trooper, you respond and arrive on-scene at a bank robbery at the Fleeca Bank on Great Ocean Highway. While setting up a perimeter and beginning to negotiate with the suspects inside, you receive notification of a panic alarm being activated from an LCPD officer. How would you respond? Make a quick negotiation with the suspects of the robbery to release the hostages and immediately respond to the officers panic alarm because as previously stated preservation of life takes priority in all cases. While on patrol as a Trooper, you respond to a call of suspicious activity - possible narcotics trafficking - in the vicinity of Grove Street. You observe a heavily tinted vehicle exiting the scene as you arrive and decide to pull the vehicle over for a traffic stop. Potentially citing case law as well as reasonable suspicion and probable cause, what are you empowered to do, and what would you do to investigate? Additionally, if the vehicle were to flee immediately upon sight of you, how would that change things? Given the location of the possible narcotics trafficking and the ID of the vehicle I would call for backup, after additionals have arrived on scene I would proceed with a normal traffic stop. After taking the persons info and returning to my car I would run their record and if I were to notice any prior drug trafficking or manufacturing charges I would inform the other officer on scene to be on guard and re-approach the car, at which time I would ask what they were up to, and inform them as to why the officers are there. At this time I would detain the person and search them and their vehicle. If the person flees I would treat it as a chase and ask for additionals, informing them of the situation. Do you agree not to ask staff members and/or command staff to look at this application? Yes
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