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Everything posted by bonez9oh5

  1. Hey Lucid City! I'm Jack, a recent computer sciences grad from Taranta Canada, soon to be looking for work as a web dev. I'm moving to Lucid City in hopes to make a name for myself and pursue my dreams in the tech sphere. I also can't wait to see what this warm city has to offer for sports and recreation.
  2. This is my first delve into GTA V RP, looking forward to having some fun with you all and really try this out. I have done RP in other games, but have never really been part of a serious RP server, so I'm really excited to get involved!
  3. hey all, I'm just starting and building a couple characters I'd like to play, but I'm just wondering about the rules for LEOs regarding corruption. Is it possible to play an officer that, for example, has a drinking and gambling problem when off duty, does something to illegal, again off duty, and eventually gets thrown off the force? or would it be possible to have them, say, steal drugs from lockup and get busted? My idea was to basically have two potential outcomes: 1) they get sober and become a great cop, get promoted; or 2) they take a turn for the worse, go broke, then lose their job. i know corruption is forbidden, I'm just wondering what falls under corruption. is it's just things like taking bribes and stuff like that or any law breaking while on duty sorry for the long post
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