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Everything posted by Jstew

  1. Antonio Francisco Jose Juarez Fernandez also known as Toni was born in Tijuana, Mexico to drug lords Francisco and Maria Fernandez. From a young age Toni was swept into the hard life unlike the other children in the cartel working in the sweatshops, he was taught to handle a gun, deal drugs and tend to the family business as he grew up. Once his teenage years arrived his father pushed him into harder things assisting with smuggling and meeting other gangs, his father grew a substantial debt to another gang leader unknowing to Toni and after months of the debt going unpaid and Francisco avoiding the gang they found him. Toni was in the city handling a deal when he received a short but haunting call from his mother Maria, when he answered he could make out his parent's screams on the other end of the line followed by 2 gunshots and silence. Knowing that he was the next target, Toni fled the country with one of his closest friends, Santos, making their way into the United States where they found Lucid City, the start of Toni's new life.
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