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  1. What is your character name? Irx Zlatan What is your Discord username? Irx#2394 Why do you wish to join the San Andreas Highway Patrol? Furthermore, what separates you from other candidates and makes you an asset compared to other applicants? I want to join San Andreas Highway Patrol too experience what its like to RP as a State Trooper , Furthermore the new RP that Id be getting throughout the city. Joining SAHP would let me interact with my fellow PD and would allow me to connect with new people in the city that I may not of spoken too before whilst being a criminal in city. Would also open up more opportunities to have fun in the city and enjoy it from the other side. I've done a lot of different RP starting from being a Mechanic to then becoming a gang member and doing banks. Being in state has been one of my milestones within Lucid to see how they have adapted their department and how it varies to other cities that I've been in. I've got some experience of being a Police Officers which would put me a little bit ahead of other candidates and the dedication and time I'm willing to put into SAHP. In your own words, explain what differentiates state law enforcement from local law enforcement, including jurisdictional concerns, and what duties you will expect to perform in the San Andreas Highway Patrol. Additionally, what other qualities do you believe sets the Highway Patrol apart from other agencies that operate in and around Lucid City? SAHP has the highest jurisdiction as they cover larger areas and the highways, LCPD cover mainly the whole city and BSCO cover Sandy Shores and Paleto. The duties that I would be doing being in SAHP are high speed chases which need a lot of Specialized tactics that LCPD may not have. Main operation is too slow the vehicle. Using Spike strips to pop the tires would be easy at high speeds because the car may to see them or stop in time. What makes San Andreas Highway Patrol stand out more than the others is the level of expectation needed and the level of profession they operate at. What is your priority in a situation - preservation of life (including a potential hostage situation) or catching those involved? Why? My priority would be too make/find a way to get the hostage out alive and in good health. This could mean having to negotiate with the hostage taker and figure out what he wants for the hostage , even if I don't catch him this time as long as the hostage is alive and safe there will likely for him to get caught in the near future. We need everybody to get out safe unless lethal is needed. Taking the right steps to ensure the hostage is okay is needed, starting from entering the bank and seeing all the hostages, next is to ask what is needed to release the hostages and taking what he says seriously( Unless he's not being reasonable ). After the demands have been said, I'd let the PD on duty know what they want and then proceed from there. While on patrol as a base-rank Trooper, you find yourself having a few negative run-ins with a Corporal after a minor issue on-duty that you felt was resolved. You feel that your disagreement with them goes beyond professional levels and that perhaps this corporal has a personal issue with you. How would you proceed in dealing with this issue, knowing that a Corporal is a supervisor-in-training and a superior rank to you? Firstly I'd like to say that he's higher up and has more experience then me so the stuff he says would obviously help me. There's no reason to argue with my fellow officers that's why their is chain of command. We are all here to work as a team and and solve the issues out. Despite the anger you are feeling at that time you just need to calm down and then Id personally speak to the officers and make sure we are all okay. Especially being wrong with high command they are here to help you and correct the errors that you make, to ensure that you don't keep making them. No matter what rank I'm always willing to work with anyone as this is how team work should be. While on patrol as a Trooper, you respond to a pursuit of armed felons that just committed a murder. You strike a civilian vehicle in the pursuit. Neither vehicle is disabled and there are no injuries. How do you proceed? The first thing id do is ask if there's any units that can continue the chase. The next thing I would do is make sure the civilian is okay, ensuring that they are not injured what so ever. After knowing he's okay I would continue the chase. If there are more units on the scene they would follow chasing him and I would go to the side and deal with the civilian. Knowing that we have a strong team I wouldn't even question the units continuing the pursuit and whilst they chase him id make sure that the civilian I hit is safe and sound. If his vehicle is in bad shape id give him the money to repair his car as its my fault its damaged While on patrol as a Trooper, you respond and arrive on-scene at a bank robbery at the Fleeca Bank on Great Ocean Highway. While setting up a perimeter and beginning to negotiate with the suspects inside, you receive notification of a panic alarm being activated from an LCPD officer. How would you respond? As soon as I see the 99 I would drop what I am doing and go straight towards the downed officer, The life of the officer is more important than the bank. He could either be severely injured or dead and needs to get assistance as soon as possible, being apart of the Police force you need to trust that your officers would drop what ever their doing and come help you. If I was on patrol heading towards the bank I'd straight away go to the 99 call as I can go and get evidence from the ban is many ways. Finger prints, Security Cameras or people around the area. I'd like to trust that every officer would come straight away and help their fellow officers out, the robber of the bank can always get caught down the line but the officer cannot be replaced! While on patrol as a Trooper, you respond to a call of suspicious activity - possible narcotics trafficking - in the vicinity of Grove Street. You observe a heavily tinted vehicle exiting the scene as you arrive and decide to pull the vehicle over for a traffic stop. Potentially citing case law as well as reasonable suspicion and probable cause, what are you empowered to do, and what would you do to investigate? Additionally, if the vehicle were to flee immediately upon sight of you, how would that change things? When I arrive on scene with my lights and sirens off, the first thing I'd do is watch for a handoff to a local and body cam it. Then I'd proceed to pull over the car with the person that I've just watched hand off what could be narcotics in the area that I've been told, when he pulls over id kindly ask him to wind his window down. If he asks why he's getting pulled over id say because your windows are too dark and I cant see through your window. Whilst talking to them I'd look inside their car for anything that would give me the right to detain him if needed. If they do not comply with what I've asked id tell them that with your windows up I don't know what you could have inside that car and for my own safety they need to wind the window down. I'd ask them to let me search their car too find the narcotics that I was here too find. If the driver isn't complying with me id call for additional units to help in case he fled the scene. If he doesn't flee id ask for K9 Unit to come try find the narcotics. If they start fleeing the scene when I get here id ask for units to connect and start calling out the location he's going and chase him. Do you agree not to ask staff members and/or command staff to look at this application? Yes
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