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About Northeast3380

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  1. Seeing as this is my first RP server, and I'm extremely behind, I wanna get a list of all common terms and slang used in RP. One big one I learned (after getting shit on by everyone for not knowing it) was Tsunami, which meant server restart. Any terms similar to this, whether it be for a different scenario or whatnot, I'd love to get to know so I don't have to worry about people getting mad that I don't know them. Note: I am extremely new, with no past knowledge at all. No videos to educate me, no interactions to pick up. Nada. Null. Nothing. Somehow people assume this means I'm a little new and I know most general things, but I honest to God don't. So please, inform me as if I was a toddler learning to take their first steps. Every detail matters to me. Thanks a lot in advance, North AKA Hanson Holloway
  2. Name: Hanson Holloway Age: 18 Nationality: Canadian Background: Immigrant from Canada, looking to start a life in Lucid City.
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