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About TBBD

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Newbie (1/15)



  1. Hey there. I'm Dailen Flint. Recently put my feet on the grounds of Lucid City a few days ago to meet up with an old penpal of mine. spent a fair bit of time all around America growing up, though most of it was spent out in Derby City. Sure you've all heard the same skit by now: Came all the way out here in search of new pastures; for something I can really shine at and make a name for in. Warehouses pay the bills out in Derby City, but no one really wants to do that their whole lives. Working long hours for mediocre pay and shittier people only looking out for themselves... That's not a life. Not really sure what's out here for me to grab and take either, though. But I'm ready to find out. This land wasn't made for cowards to conquer it, after all! See you all out on the streets. Hopefully in great circumstances.
  2. Hey everyone, TBBD checking in, though I'm more casually known as Flintlocke. I've been roleplaying across various mediums for about 17 years now, though I've only recently embraced a much more improvisational and fluid dynamic such as FiveM/Garry's Mod/Etc. very recently. I'm hoping I can get a good crash course on this kind of play through Lucid City, and I'd like to get off on the right foot with everyone here. Here's hoping I can fit in with the rest of you, and here's hoping we can make some hella good stories!
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