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Everything posted by RGBThunder

  1. Great intro! Stay outta trouble!
  2. Hey Turker. That's a unique name! Im new here, what's your story?
  3. Hey, how was your first few days in the City? Im Richard, shiny brand new to the town and just getting a lay of the land...
  4. Hey, how has the last couple weeks worked out for you? I am new to the city and learning my way!
  5. Are you thee John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt? Good luck, I hope you make it into the academy!
  6. What's your phone number? Alyways good to know some taxi drivers!
  7. Good luck out there! Stay out of trouble! Or dont...
  8. Oh Hey, I am Richard Gary Busey. I am new to the area, moved here from Canada (So you know I'm polite) After a boring upbringing in a blue collar home, I decide to chase excitement and just follow my heart! then I ran out of money and ended up in Lucid City. Now I live out my days looking for a career, money, friends and maybe a family. The world is my Oyster but the water is polluted! Let's see what happens!
  9. Greetings! I am Richard Gary Busey. I am new to the area, moved here from Canada (So you know I'm polite) After a boring upbringing in a blue collar home, I decide to chase excitement and just follow my heart! then I ran out of money and ended up in Lucid City. Now I live out my days looking for a career, money, friends and maybe a family. The world is my Oyster but the water is polluted! Let's see what happens!
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