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  1. What is your character name? Jake Barns What is your Discord username? OnlyRedHere#8774 Why do you wish to join the San Andreas Highway Patrol? Furthermore, what separates you from other candidates and makes you an asset compared to other applicants? The State Department has been a huge interest for me in Lucid through out my time here. From the in-depth RP , to the high speed chases , to the "Trooper Experience`" I have heard so many things about in Lucid has really peaked my interest. I've done a huge variety of RP from Gang member to bank robber to business worker and haven't really had the opportunity to explore the other side of the law in this city. I would love to see how Lucid has adapted their own department and how it differs to other cities I've been in and been apart of. What makes me more of an asset to most other candidates is that I have a lot of previous law enforcement experience already being that I reached the rank Staff sergeant in another department and during my time there I was part of two divisions being SWAT and Interceptors. A personal quality of mine is the amount of dedication and time i put into anything. In your own words, explain what differentiates state law enforcement from local law enforcement, including jurisdictional concerns, and what duties you will expect to perform in the San Andreas Highway Patrol. Additionally, what other qualities do you believe sets the Highway Patrol apart from other agencies that operate in and around Lucid City? San Andreas Highway Patrol have a bigger jurisdiction then LCPD and BCSO as they cover a larger amount of area and highways then both of these departments, LCPD being that the are city based and BCSO are more Sandy based. The duties I expect to be doing is patrolling the highway and being involved in a lot of high speed chases which need specialised tactics to slow the vehicle down or place spike strips in pacific places to ensure that the vehicles tires get popped. What makes SAHP stand out is that how versatile they are and that the level of professionalism they operate at. What is your priority in a situation - preservation of life (including a potential hostage situation) or catching those involved? Why? My priority in the situation would be to protect the preservation of life being that if someone was taken hostage my focus would be on making sure that person is safe and that they are kept out of harms way, even if that means not being able to go after the criminals straight away because there will most likely be another chance to catch them that wouldn't involve peoples life's being at stake. While on patrol as a base-rank Trooper, you find yourself having a few negative run-ins with a Corporal after a minor issue on-duty that you felt was resolved. You feel that your disagreement with them goes beyond professional levels and that perhaps this corporal has a personal issue with you. How would you proceed in dealing with this issue, knowing that a Corporal is a supervisor-in-training and a superior rank to you? I would address the situation to my superior letting them know that me and a corporal had a few negative run ins and that the situation was resolved on my end but that the other person still clearly had issues with the situation at hand. By letting my superiors know would make sure that the situation is handled correctly and that both parties afterwards could stay professional and move on from the run ins that happened previously. While on patrol as a Trooper, you respond to a pursuit of armed felons that just committed a murder. You strike a civilian vehicle in the pursuit. Neither vehicle is disabled and there are no injuries. How do you proceed? I would slow down to take a look at the car I just hit and if the driver and passengers of the vehicle was not in no life threatening way then I would continue chasing the vehicle as they are extremely dangerous and can cause further loss of life if I do not catch them. While on patrol as a Trooper, you respond and arrive on-scene at a bank robbery at the Fleeca Bank on Great Ocean Highway. While setting up a perimeter and beginning to negotiate with the suspects inside, you receive notification of a panic alarm being activated from an LCPD officer. How would you respond? I would immediately radio to all officers at the bank and let them know to respond to the panic button while leaving one unit behind at the bank to make sure the hostage comes out safely and that they can secure the Fleeca bank whilst also taking down all the information from the vehicles so that we could potentially catch the bank robbers at a later time. While on patrol as a Trooper, you respond to a call of suspicious activity - possible narcotics trafficking - in the vicinity of Grove Street. You observe a heavily tinted vehicle exiting the scene as you arrive and decide to pull the vehicle over for a traffic stop. Potentially citing case law as well as reasonable suspicion and probable cause, what are you empowered to do, and what would you do to investigate? Additionally, if the vehicle were to flee immediately upon sight of you, how would that change things? I would arrive at the scene of the suspicious activity with my light and sirens off so that the criminals wasn't aware I was in the area and that they could not flee before I arrived. If the vehicle that was suspected of selling drugs was fleeing the area i would pull the vehicle over and asking for there ID and drivers licence, I then would explain to them the reason of the stoppage as i cant just detain them as i only have reasonable suspicion not probable cause on them selling the drugs. But by me telling them this vehicle is suspected of selling drugs may end up spooking the driver into fleeing the area what would give me probable cause to search them if I did end up catching them in the pursuit. Do you agree not to ask staff members and/or command staff to look at this application? Yes
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