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Jeon Jung Kook's Lucid Airline Application


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What is your Steam profile link?



How many hours do you have on Lucid and / or FiveM?

860 On Lucid


What is your Discord username?



How old are you?

Almost 17


What is the name of your character?

Jeon Jung Kook


How old is the character you are applying with?



What is the phone number of the character you are applying with?



What is the background of your character?

Jeon moved to the city after he got bored. Mainly how Jeon is . Gets bored , does something . Jeon is usually a pretty hardworker when it comes to work . He loves meeting new people and socialising . He always enjoys being around people he knows and is a passion of his to pursue his dreams and adventures in the city. Jeon grew up from a pretty little house in the UK , he eventually landed in Lucid City when he accidentally got on the wrong connecting flight , had a look around and decided to stay ( also realising he couldn't afford to fly back ).


What are your previous jobs and / or current affiliations?

Currently unemployed - Looking for an enjoyable jobs . Previous 24/7 owner - Mechanic - security guard .


Why do you want to be a pilot?

I love all forms of transport . Really into my cars and love planes . I know there is a lack of pilots especially in Europe so I think I could really help people out . I belive I can add lots of enjoyable RP to the airport and make it overall a better place !


What makes you different from other individuals that are applying?

I would say how active I am , the amount of effort I put into everything I do and the people I know . I know lots of people who love to go to the island on vacation and who sometimes get upset when they don't have a pilot to take them to their long-awaited get-away so I think I would also be the perfect person for this role. I also know an a lot of the current piolts and workers and would be no issue fitting in to the community.


What kind of experience do you have related to flight and piloting?

I in my head am part of the RAF and have actually flown small aircraft and have some pretty decent knowledge of aircraft in general . I also am pretty good at flying in cities in general but might need some little training to adapt to mouse and keyboard as I'm usually on controller.


How active can you be a week?

35 hours +


Any additional questions?

Dm me on discord for any additional questions :) Pickles#1659

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Business Owner DPS Deputy Commissioner Lucid Airlines


Thank you for taking interest in applying as a Probationary Pilot at Lucid Airlines. We appreciate you taking the time to fill in an application within the Forums.  Unfortunately, it has been decided by the Lucid Airlines Management that your application has been DENIED and that we won't be able to invite you to the next portion of our application process. 

You may re-apply 14 days from this message being posted. Have a great day ahead!

-Lucid Airlines Management

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