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discord issues

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hi i havent been in the city for awhile so i was coming back to check things out and went to join the discord link and everytime i go to click it all it says is whoops over and over and over so does any1 else have a link they can send me to try it. im guessing its a issue with the link because from what i remember i had to have someone send me a link to the server and it worked out fine for me .thanks 

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so supposedly i got banned from the discord for absolutley no reason lmfao thats wild. i havent even been around for a year and i left on good terms never have i ever got warned in the city or anything come back to check on things see how stuff is going and go to join the discord and randomly banned lmfao some people be taking they authority levels on this roleplay stuff a lil to serious. banning people for no reason from discords is nuts

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so honestly i would love if someone could give me a reason to being banned for no reason. as i said i left the city for a year and left on good terms nothing ever happened never got warned about anything.everything went fine.. i left the city for a year left the discord.come back to get back into things and the city and i get randomly banned for no reason . so whats the deal? or is this just a other city where admin be abusing there powers like most of the other cities.?


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