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My name is Adam,



I'm a novelist from a remote mountain town in Vermont. I've battled cancer two times and suffer from sporadic short-term memory loss. Ever since I was a child, I was quiet, but finally coming out of my shell. I enjoy glass blowing, mountain biking, writing,  and burritos. Here's my story:


When I was 19, I purchased my first house- a fixer upper foreclosure using money I made as a store manager. After spending two years fixing it up and was going into remission on my lung cancer, I ended up selling it to pay medical bills when they found the lump in my brain. I spend the next 3 years in and out of the hospital fighting for my life. All my savings disappeared and I fell into massive debt. For a while there I didn't care, I thought I was going to die. At the end of those brutal 3 years and my 12th surgery, it was over. They were able to remove the mass and I ended up with only minor brain damage (if you call removing portions of my brain 'minor). A gun to my head was finally removed... I wasn't sure what to do... I wasn't sure how to LIVE. 


The next year was absent of physical anguish, but the mental turmoil and financial stress grew. It's hard to work when you're so weak, and it's hard to learn when you can't get your brain to work like it used to. After ignoring the phone calls and the threatening letters, my doorbell began to ring. At first it was once a week, maybe... Then it was two times, then four, then every day. Eventually I couldn't go one day without two debt collectors or 'server boys' to come to my apartment. I pleaded with them, but I guess cancer isn't a good substitute for cold hard cash. I'm ashamed to admit that I can remember many days where the sweet kiss of death was so enticing I nearly did to myself what cancer could not... Then I got help...


In the form of the cheesiest 'Better Call Saul' style letter, I filed for bankruptcy and one day the angry calls, knocks, rings, emails, letters, court dates, helplessness... stopped. It was over, done. $498,392.11. That is how much two rounds of cancer costs if you're ever curious. All wiped away for a few thousand bucks. With that my credit was ruined but I felt like my life was having a fresh start. No debt, no cancer, just me, just Adam and whatever Adam wanted to do. I spent one more year in Vermont, through one of the most intense winters I've ever experienced. Mountains of snow and bitter cold for months... the happiest winter I had gone through in years.


Now we're here. Or at least now I'm here, you all were already here I suppose. I'm ready to start my new first life, as an adult, who is thinking in years and not months. I can't wait to get to know everyone, make friends and go on some crazy adventures. Please be patient with me as there's still a lot going in my head and even more stirring in my heart. I'm going to make an impact in my life, and I want everyone along for the ride as collateral. Now, I spend most of my days trying to write novels in my cozy apartment and fix up my adventure van so I can explore the world. I hope to travel to Vietnam one day, but I've got to finish my move to Lucid City first.


Hello everyone, it's nice to meet you-


Adam K. Rellinghood

Aspiring Writer

Viceroy Prints



Edited by kinggoob
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