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Posts posted by Habiits

  1. Welcome To Lucid!

       We are extremely happy to have you here and hope to see you grow a life here! We do understand that some people do not know how to RP and some people use Public Servers to learn. We strongly suggest going through this guide, along with some of our other guides to help familiarize yourself with the city prior to creating that first character. This will help better your RP experience and everyone around you! We do not want to see you come in and get removed just because you did not know something. If any of this is confusing or you need some additional tips, be sure to post in the forums or join our waiting room in our discord to speak to one of our Helpful Staff. 

    Tip #1 - READ THE RULES! 

    I know you are excited to join. We all were at that point. There is just one VERY important thing you must do before you join. This will prevent you from getting banned for not knowing what is going on. Reading the rules also helps with terms in the city that you will run across. We all are held to these rules and if anyone breaks them, they are subject to suspensions from the city.

    You can Find the normal rules at: https://forums.lucidcityrp.com/city-rules/

    These are no the only rules we have in lucid. If your character decides to take a darker path in life (Criminal), they would have an additional set of rules they would need to follow. These are known as the Criminal Enterprise Guidelines. Even if you do not choose this path, we always suggest going through these rules as well. It will save some frustration when dealing with criminals because you will know what they can or cant do. This is very important as you can bring these situations to staff so that punishments can be given out or items returned.

    You can find them here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1bikoB6eGhq6Kc2oB2SUXSRyLN0NKcuv1iKIJJc5swm8/edit

    Now keep in mind, there are a LOT of rules in Lucid. This is not to ruin anyone's fun. These rules are set in place to protect you and everyone else's fun. We hate to see when people ruin other peoples experience because they did not take the time to read the rules. Of course if at anytime if you ever feel you do not fully understand a rule. Feel free to join our waiting room and we will assist with your questions.


    Tip #2 - Create A Backstory

    So, you have already read the rules and you are about to enter the world.... STOP! What are you going to do in the city??? Who Are you?? Where did you even come from?? These are all questions that you need to think about before entering the city. Try to come up with a pretty good backstory. Keep in mind, since you have read the rules.... You know that you cant just show up and become a leader of gang.. Some multimillionaire.. or the mayor of lucid city. We want your character to slowly progress. No one should go from a zero to a hero in a single day. You should put a lot of time in this process. Try to figure out what accent he will have if he has one. (keep in mind that you will have to maintain this accent, so choose wisely haha.) Is he an old man or woman, or a young guy/girl. You will need to decide if they will need to walk around with a cane and things like that. We expect you to at least act like an old man if you choose that route. We do not want to see a 80yr old man full sprint running away from cops. That's just silly. You are the one that decides your characters traits and what not. Please spend time in deciding these things.


    Tip #3 - Creating Your Character

    Now that you have read the rules and created your characters backstory. Its time to bring them to life. You will log in and create that first character. When deciding on a characters name, age and nationality, this is where your characters back story comes in. Please try to avoid stealing fictional characters identities, you cannot be Bruce Wayne and become Batman. It doesn't mean you cant be Bruce Wayne.. Just be different. Once that is done, you will need to change your characters features. PLEASE spend more than 5 minutes with your characters features. There is nothing worse than seeing the same guy 50 times in the city. We tend to call these people "Gokus". You will see.. We even have different level gokus... (people that spend 6 or 7 minutes on their character). We want your character to be as original as possible. It helps with scenes so people can tell each other apart. Once you are done with the features, its time to dress your character. This is something else that you will need to spend some time on. Please try to make sure all the clothing fits together. Some clothing does not work with others. You will notice that some pieces will clip through each other. You can also change your arms to make sure your arms do not clip through either. After you spend a lot of time in this menu, you will notice what fits and what does not. You probably also noticed some rules about masks, so be sure not to put on a mask unless you plan to do criminal activities. 

    Tip #4 - What Do I Do Next??

    ALRIGHT, you have your newly created character that knows every single rule in lucid and is prepared for anything and he or she is looking SPIFFY. What do you do next... Whatever you want. Lucid has opportunities everywhere. My biggest recommendation is to start looking for crowds of people and try to mingle a little. You can tell them you are new to the city and maybe they will give you a good place to go. If you take a look at your map you will see a lot of different landmark markers that you can go to. A good place to start is the government building. It is the american flag on the map. Head inside. Youll find a desk inside and if you Press E on the Desk maybe you will find a few things to help get you started. Need a lift? Call a Taxi! Unless you want to be a criminal and "Borrow" a car.. Watch out for the police though. There are jobs in the city, but we want you to talk to people to figure out where they are. As a lot of people will tell you.. "Find Out in RP". 


    Tip #5 - I JUST GOT VDM'D!!!!!!

    Oh no. You see it coming.... a mini van with an Afro level 2 Goku.. They are headed right toward you and already ran over 15 people just to get to you... then BAM! He runs you over, backs up and runs you over again... What do you do??


    If anyone is in the city breaking rules. STAY IN CHARACTER. We cannot stress this enough. It is imperative that you stay in character at all times. DO NOT start screaming "VDM VDM this guy just VDM'd ME!!" Just act out your injuries, cuss at the guy a little while being in pain, and let the scene complete. You have 2 options at this point, but keep in mind in order to report you must have a clip. Most people use NVIDIA recorder or Medal.tv. Medal will allow you to record long clips and then it will upload them so that you can share. We recommend using Medal. So, you got your clip, now what? Well, you can do 1 of 3 things. /report in-game will allow you to do an in-game report, this is hard to do in-game so we don't recommend using that one unless your character is stuck somewhere or need immediate staff intervention. Our discord has a "Waiting Room". This is the BEST place to get in touch with staff, we can review footage and talk to everyone involved in a controlled environment. The 3rd option is if you cant get in touch with anyone, you can report it on the forum. Be sure to link your clip there. 

    Keep in mind that anytime something is brought to the staffs attention, we will investigate the entire situation, this is why we recommend to stay in character at all times. Just because one person broke a rule, does not mean you can. If we review the clip and we see you screaming about the VDM in an out of character way, you will be warned or banned. Please follow all rules at all times. It sucks having to ban the victim for breaking rules when they were just venting frustrations in game. Your character does not know the "City Rules", you do. He/she should never be talking about them in city.

    If you did get caught for something like this and ended up getting a suspension, you can ALWAYS do an appeal. We want everyone to learn from their mistakes and never do them again. Our forum has a spot where you can do a Ban Appeal. Always put in a ton of effort in those in order to get the banned reduced or removed.


    Tip #6 - Money

    Yo! Where do I get money???
    Find out in RP. Please do not go out of city to ask this question. Keep in mind, you are here for RP so not everything is handed to you in a fancy guide.


    Tip #7 - Police Interactions

    Oh no. Its the fuzz. You are getting pulled over... What do you do?

    Act as though you would in real life. Would you shoot a cop for a 200$ speeding ticket?? no.. 

    Anytime you deal with police in city please try to keep it as realistic as possible. If they taze you.. Act as though it hurts and dont just get back up and run. If you feel like the cops are being unjust.. Handle it in RP. DO NOT try to use a gov sit to get out of jail. This will get you banned for Low Effort. Yes, the police will feel overpowered. But that is how its meant to be, this is not GTA V where the player is meant to win. You are supposed to plan things out and make good choices. 


    Tip #8 - Have Fun

    Alright. So you now know what is going on in the city... You should know enough to be able to continue to stay in the city. Now your adventure starts. The rules may seem rough now, but with time you will get it. Just make sure that you have a great time in lucid. If at anytime you need staff, we will see you in the waiting room!

  2. Having issues in city with headaches or things not loading properly? Even if your PC can handle running operations at NASA or it should be making toast and not gaming... Sometimes the recommended settings just don't cut it. These are the recommended settings by our staff team to try and avoid any issues in city.

    1. Head to the settings menu and choose graphics





     2.  Be sure to put the Population Density, Population Variety and Distance Scaling at about 75%. Lets leave the Extended Texture budget at about 50% for now.sM8qcSo.png


    3.  Now we need to go through the rest of the settings and set everything to Normal. Do not Change Reflection MSAA(x4), Anisotropic Filtering(x16). 



    4. After you changed the settings there, you can adjust the Extended Texture Budget. Take note of the Bar on top that says "Video Memory". If it is yellow, you should lower until green, and then lower a little bit more just incase.y02E792.png


    5. After you are done, be sure to save and apply changes. This will cause the game to restart. Once you are loaded in, you should have hardly any problems. If you do, try adjusting the Extended Texture Budget first and then turn down the Densities. Have Fun!

  3. Some of these terms are used in Lucid so that people can attempt to stay in RP, please keep in mind that they are still not terms that we like to hear all the time but it does help keep the emersion if you are to use them. It will also save you a one way trip to "Bora Bora". I always suggest going through these terms to prevent catching that ticket. Also, please keep in mind, while a lot of these terms are meant to stay in character we still want to avoid using these unless absolutely necessary. 

    • Bora Bora - Ban ( We do not recommend talking about bans in city. It is an out of city issue. Try to avoid using this.)
    • Tsunami - Server Reset
    • Fly Out - Logging out
    • Fly in - Logging in
    • Eyes - Monitors
    • Eye Scuff - Lagging/not loading scenery
    • Angels/Gov - Staff (another term we do not want to use in city because staff should not really exist, there a small instances it can be) 
    • Goku - New Player (typically in the starting clothes)
    • State Id/Favorite Number - Player ID number (Please only use this when gathering info for sits, dont go around screaming about them)
    • Muscles - Keyboard Keys are Muscles ("Flex your E muscle to Interact")
    • Headache - Lagging
    • Brain - PC or Your laptop
    • Head Pop - Lagged out or crashed
    • In My Head - Away from Keyboard or talking about IRL things (Like if a dog barked or something.)
    • Voice Box - Mic
    • Take A Cough Drop - Reset Your Mic
    • Emails - Discord 
    • City Website - Forums
    • Spider On Foot - Character is scuffed and you need to jump
    • Locals - Non Player Characters that are walking around the city. (NPCs)
    • Take off your shoes - Sometimes peoples faces get messed up, taking shoes off fixes it.. (Unless they are stealing your shoes...)
    • Flight Queue - Queue to get in the city, way to ask if they have prio, just add "VIP"
    • Wizard - No life loser who lives in moms basement that decides to Mod.

    There can be a ton more but this should get you started with the Lucid Lingo. If you ever have a question about any words or when you can say them, feel free to reach out to staff. The rule of thumb is to not mention anything outside of the world of lucid to the best of your ability. Have fun!!

  4. On 9/21/2021 at 1:49 PM, opie winston said:

    I keep trying to join the discord server and i verify when i get a message from Double Counter then it says Verification successful on Lucid City but wont let me join it . Pls can someone invite me my discord username is Aidenthedevil099#8962

    Looks like you are being turned away by one of our bots for having a suspicious discord. I recommend looking into why your account is so suspicious.


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