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On the pursuit of happyness..

Soba Sett

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Soba, Sett, either or works. Both are my name. What's there to say... I come from a broken home. A daddy that didn't quite like what his 26 year old son turned out to be, and having just recently lost my loving mother, I'm now solely a drifter. Drugs and crime are nothing new to me, and I cant seem to keep my hands or nose clean these days... But I constantly wonder if there's more to life than all of.. this. This empire of dirt. There has to be right? That guy with the fancy car, fancy clothes , nice broad and nice house. He knows how to live.. But is that really living? I have a feeling this city is going to answer just that for me..

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25 minutes ago, Soba Sett said:

Soba, Sett, either or works. Both are my name. What's there to say... I come from a broken home. A daddy that didn't quite like what his 26 year old son turned out to be, and having just recently lost my loving mother, I'm now solely a drifter. Drugs and crime are nothing new to me, and I cant seem to keep my hands or nose clean these days... But I constantly wonder if there's more to life than all of.. this. This empire of dirt. There has to be right? That guy with the fancy car, fancy clothes , nice broad and nice house. He knows how to live.. But is that really living? I have a feeling this city is going to answer just that for me..

Welcome to the city, nice write up! Well this isn’t character introductions so I’m sorry about your real life 😂

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