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Nova H traveling trough or am i staying?!

Nova H

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Just landed in town, as thing did not work out in the Netherlands where i tried to make it as an real estate agent but things didnt work out. I got fired my wife left me and tried starting my own bussiness. Sice i did not have the funds i loaned the money from a serious though guy. As things always come in 3's i lost all the money in a renovation buy and got in a big debt and big big trouble. I had to flee the country and now i am looking to begin a fresh start and make a carreer but found out that as an immigrant its hard to find a job and stay on the clean path. I am trying my best and might look into becoming a taxi driver since i like moving around all the time. I dont know i am getting desperate and need to put food on the table. Hoping i will find something good quickly. Hope to meet u guys in the city. 

Edited by Nova H
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