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Seno Murillo


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Seno Murillo is a 19 year old male who's just moved to Lucid City. Growing up in the rural parts of the country he knows his way around bikes, trucks, and other large equipment and animals. Being 5'11" Seno is slightly above average muscle tone due to his work on the farm. His grandfather was the owner of the farm he lived on and he had to move away after his passing. With a mom who died before his birth and no other relatives, his only path left was to go to the city his deadbeat Dad left him for. The rural life taught Seno strong morals that may not belong in the city. His grandfather was very sure to raise him to judge other on their actions alone. Only time will tell if Seno will stick with his morals or be swept down a life of crime like other Lucid City natives, either way he just wants to find a place to live and discover who he wants to be.

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