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What is your Steam profile link?



How many hours do you have on Lucid and / or FiveM?

I have around 230 hours on Lucid City including Lucid City 1.0. I have around 700 hours on FiveM .


What is your Discord username?

@hennipenni or hennipenni#5908


How old are you?



What is the name of your character?

Henrik MDC


How old is the character you are applying with?



What is the phone number of the character you are applying with?



What is the background of your character?

My character comes from the city of Reykjavík, Iceland. He was born there and raised by the nature of Iceland with sheep and cows surrounding him. When he was 16 and was heading out for collage he decided that It was a good time to move towards the inner city and gain a more respectable social life, he went to a school called Kvennó in Reykjavík and finished his collage with a psychology diploma at 19 years old. When he was 19 he changed his course of life and went the exact opposite direction and wanted to move to the USA, Lucid City and chase for his dreams as a pilot. He went online, bought a 1-way ticket to Lucid City and packed his bags and soured through the skies for 12 hours to Lucid City. When he arrived he stayed with his grandparents and signed up for a course as a Private Pilot and in 1 year he finished his theory exams and his check ride. He then immediately started a intergraded course to become a commercial pilot and when he got to the age of 21 he finished it and is now seeking for a job as a pilot.


What are your previous jobs and / or current affiliations?

I have never had a job in Lucid City 2.0, except for those delivery driver jobs and sanitation jobs but in Lucid City 1.0 I was managing a east side store by Sandy Shores and was a part of a friendly gang which focused more of the safety of their brothers.


Why do you want to be a pilot?

I have always wanted to become a real serious pilot that can take passengers to wherever they want to go. I was a pilot on another server called SacRP and was a commanding pilot (Ranking from 6 Foxtrot I was a 1 Foxtrot). I was also in the air force which took a lot of time and commitment to enter. I never really had the chance to fly for passengers and I hope to be able to experience that sensation of joy. I am sure that I will bring positiveness towards the department and I am sure that I am qualified for the job. I am finishing my private pilot in real life soon and I know how to use radio communications. I have really good person to person communication skills and I handle stressful situations well. I am dominant if I am the pilots towards the passengers but I make sure everyone has a pleasant time.


What makes you different from other individuals that are applying?

My experience. I have a lot of experience flying for departments (none right now), as I said above I was in the Air Force which is selected if you score a 10/10 on your asvab or if you get selected 2 out of 100-300 which I got. I was selected out of the 100-300 people that were applying for the Air Force. I have been through all the ranks in another server which took me over a year, student pilot, private pilot, first officer, senior first officer, flight captain, senior flight captain and then I achieved Low Command (I have proof of all of this please just DM me if you need it). I also have really good communication skills and I can handle any type of situation with low stress.


What kind of experience do you have related to flight and piloting?

As I said above I was in the Air Force (selected 1 out of 100-300) in another server and I have been through tons of ranks in the same server. I was nominated as the best fighter pilot in the Air Force beating every single one of the pilots in a dogfight scenario and a situation control scenario. I am sure that I am qualified for this job with my excellent experience and my communication skills.


How active can you be a week?

If possible everyday but most often 5 times a week or around 50 flights a week.


Any additional questions?

No, but to come clear, I am finishing my private pilot checkride in real life and I am going to take my commercial pilot's license soon in real life.

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