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What is your Steam profile link?



How many hours do you have on Lucid and / or FiveM?

540 hours on FiveM


What is your Discord username?



How old are you?



What is the name of your character?

Luke Sterlin


How old is the character you are applying with?



What is the phone number of the character you are applying with?



What is the background of your character?

Luke Sterlin is a man of ethics, a rule follower and his record perceives him; as clean as a whistle. Luke has many friends and is very loyal to those friends from helping them build their house to small things like taking extra shifts at his job for his co-workers. Ever since Luke was a child he always dreamed of flying in the clouds with his magical wand, and as he got older he figured out that, that is all possible by becoming a pilot.


What are your previous jobs and / or current affiliations?

I worked as a trashman for a couple years then I advanced into the airforce for 10 years


Why do you want to be a pilot?

Why would I not want to be a pilot, from all the benefits of working the job to flying in the night sky with people from all over the world? Flying is my passion I've always dreamed of flying a Boeing 767-400ER with a cabin full of people, and I've done almost all the steps of getting there. I've gotten in contact with some pilots and asked them some questions about flying for Lucid Airlines, Bugsy recommended I apply. Going through Lucid High, I didn't do the best, I was going through my mother's passing, Margerit Sterlin, and the only thing that got me through that tragedy was her final words, "Luke, pursue your passion and never back down my son". I was always picked on by my teachers for always having my nose in the "Airplanes For Dummies" book until I met Mr. Lafoy, he taught me so much about flying and even took me onto his airplane to help me get some of the hours required for a commercial pilots license, until his passing, he was like a father to me, Mr. Lafoy, when he passed I was ready to give up, until about a month from his funeral I found one of my yearbooks and the back was signed "Fly with the stars my Luke Skywalker", and from there on I kept going. I joined the airforce to get started, it was tough, the training they put you through but I kept going, the reward lingering, finally I got to fly an F-22 Falcon which was one of my favorite jets, and I ACED it scored 100% on the flying test, I quit the airforce 2 months ago to pursue my journey and here I am, filling this application out hoping that I will score the job.


What makes you different from other individuals that are applying?

I can bring a real change to Lucid Airlines, I will have a go-to attitude and the best hardworking mindset. In school there was a point where I was in a low place, failing grades, no friends, and no will to live, then I was met with ROTC, and that changed my life for the better, I was climbing the ranks very fast because I was so dedicated to being the best, hours of hard work until I was on the top, and it felt good. I have a drive to be the best and I'm very competitive, I think thats what separates me from the other individuals applying


What kind of experience do you have related to flight and piloting?

I have private pilots licence, and I got that years ago when I first started flying. I was in the Airforce and made it to Senior Master Sergeant before retiring. and I have taken the Commercial pilot knowledge test and passed it with a 98%


How active can you be a week?

I can work 10-20 hours a week, maybe less with in head work


Any additional questions?

No, that about covers it thank you for reading my application, and I hope you see you soon.

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