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Ron a typical gym rat, he did a lot of money runs, and fleeing from the cops in Miami, but he doesn't bring it up much. He finally got a chance to go big ny some major gang, said they could really use someone like Ron Jon, but eh he didn't want it. He ended up continuing money runs on his motorcycle, running from cops, staying under the radar, boy is that what he's good at that. but alas it had to end at some point. He was doing his casual money run, gee probably his millionth one, but this time it was different. You see Ron went out fueled up his motorcycle bought some cigarettes and a cop walks in, says howdy to Ron. Ron not knowing if he knows him or not takes the bakes exit and started heading to the dead drop. little did he know the setup was made months ago, the cop from the store did know Ron. He got to the dead drop at 12:30 AM grabbed the drop started heading out and than BANG, shot in the chest, turns out the cops acquired a hitman to get rid of him, that hitman just so happened to be his close friend Bill. He didn't wanna do it but cash is king, heck of a phrase huh? Anyway, where was I? Ah, BANG, Ron gets luckily shot right in between the rib cages as well as passing everything else. Ron surprised, catches the bike from falling and takes off. BANG, BANG, BANG, two out of 3 shots Wizz by the other one gets his shoulder. Ron adrenaline pumping, hops on the freeway and books it, cops now aware of what's happening there right behind Ron, Ron bleeding out trying to keep it together, but has some work to do. Now Ron knows this city like the back of his hand before passing him and his pop used to go biking, jogging, and just walk the beautiful town. He's full throttle knowing exactly where to go, a left, left, right, left, he knows of a underpass he drives everyday, he thought to himself "if I go blackout its pitch black there far back enough to not see me, I can take the tunnel entrance and they wont know". He takes the sharp turn only to run into a road work sign. Gee what a time to be fixing a ridiculous guard rail go figure, what luck. Speaking of luckily the cops were far back enough for him to get on his bike, but now there right on him! When all hope was lost "chooo, chooooo". The 1 AM train just rolled in to town and that train isn't short by any means. He guns it for the tracks knowing roughly when the trains comes through. "chooooo, chooooo". Its gonna be close, he hammers down knowing its life or death, Ron flying up to the tracks, "whooooh" he jumps the crossing as the train whizzes right behind him, he was free. Tired and hurting Ron gets the soonest plane ticket from some out of town airport to get out of town, patches himself up  from rags in the bathroom, somewhat. He eventually ends up passing out from blood loss shortly after, waking up he hops off at the next exit "LUCID CITY OF DREAMERS". Now Ron is here to start a new life unknowingly if that's a good life...... or a bad life. And that is how Ron got to the city of LC.

Edited by dodgeton_513
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