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Shane O'Connor

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My name is Shane O'Connor, I am 27 years old and I am from the North Side of Cork City in Ireland.


Growing up, I was the child of alcoholic parents, a story all too common for my type. Some of my earliest memories of my childhood were spent hiding from my father when he went into one of his rages drunk. My mother wasn't of much use either, she was usually passed out on the couch having drank a bottle of whiskey. I felt like I was constantly walking on eggshells as I was afraid the of even the tiniest thing would make him fly into a rage. Maybe he just felt like flying into a rage anyway, I don't know.


Things got worse for me when my sister, Sarah was born when I was 8. I think you can guess where this going; I ended up been her babysitter and parent rolled into one as my parents sure as hell couldn't hack it! If I hadn't needed to grow up fast before this, I sure did now! She was just as scared of our father as I was but I vowed to protect her from the day she was born by whatever way I can.


I had to do some horrible things in order to provide for her, I often would places and sell my ill gotten gains to fund this. However, I had a rule where I never do this to someone weaker than me or undeserving of it. I never robbed the local shop for example, partly because the owners were one of the few people who honestly nice to me and even though they weren't keen on it, they knew it was me who returned the favor which some scumbags tried to rob them that one time. Instead of getting money to snore up their nose, they were getting new noses!


To this extent, I was very tough in all meanings of the word, especially as I got older. I'm quite a strong and agile person. One thing I learned from growing up is that sometimes, the only way to solve a problem is by using your fists and I wasn't afraid to use them! While I got in many fights in my time, nothing set me off more when someone threatened someone weaker than them, especially if said person been threatened was my sister - I may put some so called bad boys into hospital when they got too heavy handed with her, haha!


However, in spite of my tough exterior and North Side upbringing, I do posses a surprising talent; Hacking. Computers was my escape ever since I was a child and was one of the few things my parents in their rare moments of lucidness, gifted me and vowed, even when drunk to never touch and in spite of everything, kept their word ( It also helps I had several locks to my room to ensure they didn't actually do so! ) It started with me tinkering with main kennel of the computer before I graduated to hacking into our school systems and changing grades ( another thing that turned into a nice earner for me - I even had parents coming to me! ) I was also apart of many online hacker organizations, hacking into ' Evil ' government agencies and other organizations, partly my own of getting back at the authorities who never helped me when I was down.


Life would carry on of never ending stream of violence, hacking and protecting my sister for many years until one fateful night about 2 weeks ago; Sarah has gotten herself pregnant with her boyfriend, Peter. I was fond of Peter, young and bit a naive but a decent, honest and hard working man, unlike so many others in this area. I had always stood up to her against her parents when they flew into their alcoholic rages. This day however, I was late coming home, having done a hack for a group of friends. I found Sarah on the floor, bleeding and badly hurt with his father screaming so much I couldn't understand him. Then he saw her mother on the couch dead from alcoholism, for several days actually but I never actually noticed until now.


When I saw what my ' father ' had done, I finally had enough of his shit and attacked him, grabbing the knife from him the process. I don't remember what happened but when I came around, my ' father ' was a bloody, messy pulp with more holes in it that grater; I had finally killed him. I felt no pity or remorse.... just relief that they couldn't hurt Sarah anymore.


Knowing that the untrustable authorities will never understand and thrown him into prison for murdering this excuse for a human, I cleaned myself up and got Sarah to the safety of Peter's house. He sympathized with me and understood why I did it. However, I knew I had to leave Ireland and as soon as possible. I made them promise not to report my ' parents ' death until I had left Ireland ( I also promised I'd send some money every now and again to support Sarah and the baby. )


Looking at my options and funds available, I decided to make use of my American contacts and my talents, hacking into US government systems from the safety of a shady web cafe, I was able to get myself a visa to the country and booked myself on first flight out of here. It just so happens the first flight available was to Los Santos in San Andreas. I immediately booked this ticket and called my sister, telling her what I was doing and that I'd be in touch in due course before I throwing my phone into the river and making my way to the airport.


Sitting on the plane flying over the Atlantic sea, it hit me; For perhaps the first time in my life, I had an opportunity to truly be myself. I had always suppressed my talents and wants to look after others and be safe. Now I was free of that at long last. Los Santos was to be my new start where I'd ( largely ) need to look out for one but myself. I pondered as I watched the city appear in the horizon ' Where will I end up and what direction is life going to go for me now? '

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