What is your discord name?
royceyjr_73 What is your age?
How long have you been on Lucid City RP?
Since August 2024 What is your in-game phone number?
What is your roleplay name?
Chris Suarez What country & region are you from?
United Kingdom
How would you explain the duties of a Lawyer?
providing legal advice, representing clients in court, and preparing legal documents Do you have previous legal experience? If so, explain.
Why do you want to be a lawyer?
The Rp looks great, im really invested in the legal route as im a criminal on my other character How are you different from other applicants?
Im respectful and active on the server, ill help anyway no matter the poor or the rich, no matter the criminal or what they did, and will always listen to my higher ups and wanna make friends with others lawyers
How much time are you willing to invest as a lawyer?
Probably about half my time, im on quite a lot and as there hasnt been many lawyers active for the past week id been on a lot Does your character have a criminal record?
What is your current occupation on the server?
None im a civilian no job Have you received any disciplinary actions in the past? If so, why were you disciplined, and what have you learned from that mistake?
Yes on my crim head i was warned for breaking character for saying hes body dumping, i then realised and havent done since and have been regually checking the rules on most things i do/ asking an admin
Do you agree not to ask about the status of your application?
Yes Do you agree to follow chain of command?